The ajarn.com quiz
Have you got what it takes to be a teacher in Thailand?
Question 1
The school director comes into the staff room at 3:30 on a Friday afternoon and tells you that there's a two-day course for all teachers on Saturday and Sunday.
Do you...
A: ...say yes and go. Training is a good thing.
B: ...say no and don't go. Cobblers to that. I'm not giving up my weekend at such short notice.
C: ...say yes and don't go. They won't even know I'm not there.
Question 2
The head of your department wants you to 'pass' a student who hasn't actually attended any of your classes.
Do you...
A: ...refuse to pass the student until he has completed at least some sort of work or made an effort to learn something?
B: ...refuse to pass that student and feel insulted that you were even asked?
C: ...pass him with an A+? Why not?
Question 3
You fancy one of your university students like crazy. She/he could be the one...
What do you do?
A: Pursue the object of your dreams and quit your job.
B: Pursue the object of your dreams and keep the relationship a secret.
C: Resist the urge. There are plenty of fish in a different sea.
Question 4
The office manager has asked you why you never eat with the rest of the staff in the school canteen.
What's your answer?
A: She's crazy. What's she talking about? You eat there every day and have a great laugh with the staff... and the food is great.
B: Tell her that you wouldn't eat that poison even if it meant starving to death!
C: Explain that you have a special diet because of your fitness regime.
Question 5
You're shopping in Big C and you can see that some parents have recognized you.
What do you do?
A: Engage in friendly chit chat about shopping.
B: Turn the cart around and start running.
C: Tell the parents how brilliant their kids are.
Question 6
You have been asked to submit lesson plans for the following month.
What's your plan of action?
A: Stay late at school if need be and get them all done.
B: Wait until they ask you again. They'll hopefully forget.
C: Print out the ones you used for last semester. No-one will actually look at/understand them.
Question 7
You see a teacher hitting a child with a stick.
What do you do?
A: Report the incident to the principle or head of department. This is unacceptable.
B: Ask the teacher where they bought the stick.
C: Keep it to yourself and pretend you never saw it happen.
Question 8
A Thai teacher starts asking you rather personal questions that you aren't comfortable with.
What's your reaction?
A: Answer truthfully but give limited information away.
B: Ask the Thai teacher why they want to know.
C: Make up outrageous answers and see if they believe you.
Question 9
You're really sick. You could go in to work but you really don't feel like it.
What do you do?
A: Go in anyway. The kids need me.
B: Text another teacher that you aren't going in and ask them to tell someone.
C: Call the office and say you've been in an accident.
Question 10
The school has just hired a teacher who you know can't teach. In fact they can barely speak English.
What do you do?
A: Bring it to the attention of the admin staff so they can keep an eye on him.
B: Tell all his students that his English sucks ass.
C: Do nothing. It makes you look better and eventually he'll be found out anyway.
How did you score?
Mostly As...
Well, aren't you a good teacher!
You're the teacher that every school wants... at least to begin with.
You are conscientious and you work hard.
You are also willing to make sacrifices to make your classes better and your bosses happier.
But be careful. Your enthusiasm may well end up getting the better of you.
Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are... not everything can be fixed.
Also... be careful that you don't burn yourself out. Pace your energy and take time for yourself.
Mostly Bs...
You are a total git.
Not only that but you're a dangerous and annoying git. You shouldn't be in a classroom at all.
But you are and that's they way it is.
I'd tell you that you are disliked by almost everyone at the school but the chances are you already know that and don't care.
Mostly Cs...
Oh, I say... well done. You've figured it all out.
You've got the mix right between attending to the needs of your employers and the needs of yourself.
Not only that, you have acquired the political savvy to get your own way almost all the time without causing any offense.
You are popular because you rarely cause any kind of friction.
There was some doubt about you when they first hired you, but now they love you - and you have a job for life.
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More As plus a few 2Cs and 1B is that okay? I am thinking of retiring to Thailand to teach/live my retirement.
By jason kua, penang, malaysia (13th June 2016)
Nothing but C's. And hey, been at the same school for 11 years!!
By Cor Verhoef, Bangkok (19th November 2015)
All Cs... I love it here!
By Mark Newman, Thailand (16th November 2015)