General information

General information about

About these FAQs

We hope that you find using the recruitment services of to be an easy and enjoyable experience. However, we understand that learning how to use a new system while you have urgent recruitment needs can be a frustrating experience.

With that in mind, we have created as list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers below.

If you can't find the answer to your question below, please feel free to contact us. We aim to reply to all emails within 12 hours, although our response time is usually faster than this.

What is was established over 19 years ago in 1999 and is the largest website for foreign English teachers in Thailand. Most of the information on is in English only. This information includes articles and general help and advice for foreign English teachers in Thailand and English teachers in other countries who are considering coming to Thailand to teach.

We have endeavored to translate the recruitment-orientated aspects of the website into Thai language for the convenience of Thai recruiters. Clicking the Thai flag at the top right of the screen will display content in Thai for the parts of the site where it is available.

Can I talk to someone from on the phone?

We aim to provide a full customer service experience by email, answering all queries within 12 hours (7 days per week). To send us an email (in either English or Thai), please use the Contact Form.

Getting started

Registering with and setting up your account

Registering with

Simply go to the Login and Registration page where you will be able to create a username and password to log into

As soon as you have entered valid information and pressed the button you will be logged in automatically and you will then be able to start using our services.

Posting Job Advertisements

Information about posting job advertisements including the costs and rules of posting

How do I post a job advertisement?

To post a job advertisement you can go to the Post a Job page (registration / log in required) where you will be able to choose from a range of different options for posting an advertisement.

How much does it cost to post a job advertisement?

The cost of posting a job advertisement depends on the grade you post and the number of credits that you buy.

Paid advertisements are available as Silver, Gold or Platinum grade costing 10, 15 or 20 credits respectively. The larger the credit pack you buy, the cheaper it will become causing your per-advertisement price to be lower.

To purchase credits, simply go to the Purchase Credits page.

Is there a free advertising option?

Yes, we have an advertisement level called "Bronze" which is free of charge. There are a few restrictions for Bronze advertisements which do not apply to paid advertisements:

  • The advertisement must only be for a teaching position
  • Ads must name the exact school that the teacher will be working at
  • Positions must be located within Thailand
  • Positions must not be for jobs based online
  • Only one Bronze (free) advertisement can be posted per user per school in any 20 day period.

Do you have any special advice about posting advertisements?

Generally speaking, common sense rules apply at all times. However, we do have some additional guidelines to prevent cross-cultural misunderstandings between Thai schools and foreign teachers:

1) If you are looking to recruit native English speakers only, please do not make references such as, "white teachers only," as this is likely to offend some people.

2) Please give as much information as you can in your job descriptions. How many hours a week will the teacher work? What benefits do you provide to the teacher? How long is the contract? Do you provide health insurance? Etc, etc. You can never give too much information in your job advertisements.

3) Please take extra care when entering the salary. If a teacher goes to a school for an interview and the salary or rate they are offered is different to the one advertised on, then it is who they often complain to!

What should a job title look like and what is not allowed?

Your job title should be a clear and concise description of the position(s) being offered. 

We do not allow the use of exclamation marks, emojis, excessive capitalization or other special characters in job advertisement titles. Locations and salaries are generally not permitted in job titles unless there are exceptional circumstances as we have separate fields for locations and salaries to be specified.

What can I do if my free job ad is not accepted?

If your free (bronze) job advertisement is not accepted, you will receive an email to explain why.

Following this, the advertisement will be returned to your account for you to edit. Just go to the Previous Job Ads page and you will be able to address any issues that are preventing the advertisement from being accepted. This could mean adding additional information or upgrading to a paid advertisement.

How often can I post a free (bronze) job ad?

We allow one free (bronze) job advertisement to be posted every 20 days per organization.

Can I post an advertisement for an online teaching position?

Yes, we welcome job advertisements for online teaching positions, but these must be posted as "Platinum" grade only. We do not accept Bronze (free), Silver or Gold advertisements for online teaching positions.

Can I post an advertisement for a non-teaching job?

Yes, we welcome job advertisements for  non-teaching positions, but these must be posted as Silver, Gold or Platinum grade only. We do not accept Bronze (free) advertisements for non-teaching positions.

Can I e-mail a job ad directly to Ajarn to post on my behalf?

We are unable to accept job advertisements that have been sent to us by email or via the contact form.

The only way to submit a job advertisement to is via the Post a Job form.

Is it possible to edit a job ad once it has been posted online?

If you have posted a paid advertisement (ie: Silver, Gold or Platinum) then you can edit it after it has been posted online by using the contact form.

For minor edits, simply tell us what you would like to change. For major edits, it is usually better to send the whole advertisement to us.

Please note that we do not allow new positions to be added to existing job advertisements.

Editing is not available for free (Bronze) advertisements.

My job ad is already online. Can I add a new teacher position to that existing job ad?

It is not possible to add a new position to an advertisement after the advertisement is online.

However, for paid advertisements, we can remove individual positions that have been filled from advertisements and we can also make general corrections and edits for you. Just contact us with the details.

Can I post an advertisement for a position outside Thailand?

Yes, we welcome job advertisements for positions outside Thailand, but these must be posted as "Platinum" grade only. We do not accept Bronze (free), Silver or Gold advertisements for non-Thailand teaching positions.

Viewing Resumes

Information about viewing teacher resumes on including costs and general advice

How much does it cost to view a teacher's resume?

To view one resume costs 1 credit. The more credits you purchase, the higher the discount, meaning that your per-click cost gets lower.

To purchase credits, simply go to the Purchase Credits page.

If a teacher replies to my ad with a resume link, do I have to pay to view it?

No. If you post a job advertisement and a teacher sends you a link to their resume through the system to your email address then you will be able to view that resume free of charge.

Why am I getting an error message when I open a resume sent directly by a teacher?

You should not be receiving a generic error message when clicking on a teacher resume. However, if you are, it might be the result of an issue with a link from our old system. If this happens, please forward the email to us and we will investigate.

In most cases, however, the "error" that you will see when clicking on a resume link will be a message to inform you that the teacher's resume cannot be displayed because the teacher has since deactivated their resume. This usually happens when a teacher has found a job, but it is always worth trying the link again in a few days in case the teacher has decided to start looking for work again.

Would you advise me to post a job ad or view teacher resumes?

This really depends on the type of recruitment you are doing and your budget.

We do not recommend clicking on resumes if your budget only allows the purchase of a small credit pack (10, 15 or 20 credits) as it is unlikely that you will be able to find a suitable teacher with this many clicks. It usually much better to post a job advertisement unless you have a budget to purchase a larger number of credits.

I need to click on a lot of resumes. Do you have any good options?

We have two options for recruiters who need to click on a lot of resumes:

  1. If you need to click on a large number of resumes over an extended period of time (up to 12 months) then purchasing a 300 Credit Pack offers great value because it allows you to click on 300 resumes and attracts a 70% discount on the normal price.
  2. If you need to click on a large number of resumes within a short period of time, then a Resume Buffet may also be available. Resume Buffets allow unlimited resumes to be clicked within set time periods such as 3, 5 or 7 days costing 30, 40 or 50 credits. Simply go to the Teacher Resumes section and click on any resume to find out if Resume Buffets are available at the moment.


Details about the credit system including pricing, payment methods and answers to common accounting questions such as information about tax invoices, withholding tax etc.

How do I purchase credits?

To purchase credits, simply go to the Purchase Credits page.

What payment methods are accepted?

Credit / Debit Cards

Payment can be made online on the website using a credit or debit card. Visa, Mastercard, JCB and China UnionPay are currently accepted.

Internet Banking Payments

We accept payments by internet banking via SCB Easy Net, Krungsri Online, Bualuang iBanking and KTB Netbank.


We accept payments made via Alipay for holders of Alipay accounts

Cash / Cheque Payments

We also accept cash payments which can be made over the country at any branch of Kasikorn Bank or Tesco Lotus / Tesco Lotus Express. It is also possible to pay by cheque at Kasikorn Bank.

Regardless of the payment method, to purchase credits, simply go to the Purchase Credits page.

Will I get an official "Original Receipt/Tax Invoice" for my purchase?

Yes. You will receive an "Original Receipt/Tax Invoice" within 7-10 working days after your payment is completed and we have received your completed withholding tax certificate (if applicable).

Can I deduct withholding tax if paying by credit card or internet banking?

Unfortunately, our system does not support this at the moment. However, after you pay you can send a scan of the withholding tax certificate to us by email along with your bank account details and we will refund the withholding tax to you.

How do I deduct withholding tax from an invoice?

In line with the law, if you are based in Thailand, you may deduct withholding tax from the pre-VAT total. The percentage you deduct depends on how you will use our services:

If you are going to use your credits ONLY for advertising
Deduct 2% for “Advertising”

If you are going to use your credits ONLY for viewing resumes
Deduct 3% for "Service Charge"

If you are going to use credits for both viewing resumes AND for advertising
Deduct 3% for “Service Charge”


You purchase 10 Credits that you intend to use to use to post a Silver grade advertisement, so the withholding tax amount would be 2%


The cost of the 10 Credit pack is ฿1,800.- This means that the VAT is ฿126.-, making the total of your invoice ฿1,926.-.


You must deduct 2% withholding tax from the pre-VAT amount of ฿1,800:

2% of ฿1,800 is ฿36. Therefore, your new pre-VAT total is ฿1,764.-


Then, you must add the FULL VAT of ฿126.- back onto the new pre-VAT total: 

฿1,764.- + ฿126.- = ฿1,890.- 

This is the amount you must pay at the bank. You may alter the pay-in slip by yourself.


The 36 Baht withholding tax that you deducted must now be paid to the Revenue Department by you.


You must send the original withholding tax certificate to us before we can send your receipt to you. The original withholding tax certificate should be sent to the address at the top of your invoice.

Please ask your accountant for full details about this if you are unsure. Deducting an incorrect figure for withholding tax can delay your order!

Can I pay by messenger or post?

Unfortunately, we do not accept payment by messenger or post.

What are the prices of services? services are paid for using credits. The standard credit prices are:

Credit Pack Name




Discounts of 20-70% are available for larger credit purchases. For more details, please see the Purchase Credits section (employer registration required).

The above prices do not include VAT 7%. Credits are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

Once purchased, credits can be used for the following services:

Credits Required
Silver job advertisement (20 days) 10
Gold job advertisement (20 days)
Platinum job advertisement (20 days) 20
Single resume click 1
1-day Resume Buffet
3-day Resume Buffet 30
5-day Resume Buffet 40
7-day Resume Buffet 45

Featured Jobs

English, Science and Math Teachers

฿42,300+ / month


Mathematics Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


Business Studies, Accounting and Economics Teacher

฿40,000+ / month


Native English Teachers for Primary and Secondary

฿60,000+ / month


Chinese Teacher

฿35,000+ / month


EY Principal

฿100,000+ / month

Pathum Thani

Featured Teachers

  • Shikha

    Indian, 25 years old. Currently living in India

  • Londiwe

    South African, 36 years old. Currently living in South Africa

  • Cecil

    French, 42 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Gunasundari

    Indian, 48 years old. Currently living in India

  • Michael

    American, 37 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Lorabell

    Filipino, 44 years old. Currently living in Qatar

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