Stephen Louw

Stephen Louw

Phones in the classroom - a teacher's curse?

Should teachers tolerate telephones in the classroom?

Telephones have become an integral part of modern life, to the extent that they are an intrusion and compromise the long-term goals for our classrooms. I present the following arguments to support my position.

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Jason Byrne

Jason Byrne

Communicating with new music artists

Why not start a conversation with an artist today? It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Emerging artists, especially those with smaller listener bases, are in dire need of your support. They need people to listen to their music and to engage with it actively. Comments and replies not only boost their visibility but also help foster a community around their work.

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Mark Beales

Mark Beales

The good, the bad and the downright unlucky

The different kinds of foreign teachers who end up teaching in Thailand

Wherever you end up teaching, the chances are that you are going to be alongside people you'd never normally work with, which can make the whole experience more memorable, one way or another.

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Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas

Why teacher observations shouldn't be feared

Don't dread observations, embrace them!

The mere thought of a supervisor sitting at the back of the classroom, clipboard in hand, can send shivers down any teacher’s spine. But take a step back and consider what observations are all about.

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David Parfitt

David Parfitt

Navigating teaching contracts in Thailand

Before signing a contract, take the time to thoroughly evaluate the terms.

Teaching in Thailand comes with its share of challenges, and one of the most critical aspects to understand is your employment contract. While some agreements are fair and well-structured, others can be ambiguous or skewed in favor of the school.

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Joseph Hunt

Joseph Hunt

Good morning teacher, how are you?

The ritual of greetings in Thai classrooms

You might be tempted to shake things up, maybe throw in a casual “Hey, guys!” or an upbeat “What’s up?” But don’t. This is not the time for creativity. This is not the time for free expression.

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Richard McCully

Richard McCully

Speaking Thai in the classroom

It is not what foreign teachers are paid to do.

It wasn’t until moving to a language school, with proper management, that I saw the negative side of a foreign teacher speaking Thai in class. It was also at that job where I saw that some TEFL teachers are actually stuck in the routine of speaking Thai with students.

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Mark Newman

Mark Newman

The ten teaching English in Thailand commandments

Tips and strategies to make your life easier

If you are new to Thailand, the following guide may help you to enjoy your time here and your classes more. If you are a burned out, old pro, the following gentle ‘reminder' may reinvigorate your verve.

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Bangkok Phil

Bangkok Phil

How's the 'decorate' and the 'supervise'?

The joys of filling in customer feedback forms

Should that be ‘supervision’ or ‘supervisor’? Was I supposed to rate the actual restaurant supervisor? Was I evaluating those that do the supervising as opposed to those who are supervised? Forget it. It doesn’t matter. It makes no sense whatsoever

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Mickey Sheehan

Mickey Sheehan

All hail the mighty khao pat gai

Boring yes, but never a dish to be underestimated

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฿35,000+ / month


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฿47,500+ / month


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฿50,000+ / month

Prachin Buri

English Language Teachers

฿700+ / hour

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฿450+ / hour


Featured Teachers

  • Brook

    Canadian, 34 years old. Currently living in Canada

  • Khaing

    Myanmarese, 24 years old. Currently living in Myanmar

  • Mayedelle

    Filipino, 25 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Artem

    Russian, 35 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Jassel

    Filipino, 24 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Peter

    Canadian, 65 years old. Currently living in Canada

The Hot Spot

Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?

The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

Many schools ask for demo lessons before they hire. What should you the teacher be aware of?

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to survive in Thailand? We analyze the facts.

Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.

Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.