Chris Harkins
Q1. Where did you move to and when?
From Bankhae Bangkok- Youngin City South Korea
Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?
about a year and a half
Q3. What was your main reason for moving?
It was definitely for the money. I love Thailand but the pay is really low compared to Korea
Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?
Money Money Money, my salary here in Korea is over 100,000 baht and the extra work I can do such as private tutoring will get me an average of 1,400 to 2,000 baht an hour.
Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?
The fun , the cheap taxis, the nightlife, the soi dogs and the bad television acting
Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?
I think that Korea is a wonderful place to save up money. The transportation system is good and they will pay for your apartment but the people here seem too serious. They aren't rude by any means but It's definitely not the land of smiles.
Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?
Yes definitely, I love Thailand and my wife is Thai so I'll be back as soon as I have saved enough money to buy a house or something.
Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?
Thailand is great but being broke in Thailand sucks. so go make money and then come back