Scam warning

Scam warning

Here's a well-used teacher scam that's doing the rounds.

I just wanted to warn everybody that there is a new teaching scam going around, in fact this is the FOURTH variation I have seen of the e-mail reproduced below. The scam always follows the same pattern - a wife who can't speak English, a job offer and a very attractive UK salary. I have no doubt that further down the line anyone interested in this 'position' will have to fork out cash to process paperwork or some similar bullshit.

As a footnote, although the e-mail states that the resume was taken from the ajarn database, I very much doubt it. The ajarn resume database is pay-per-view and scammers are rarely/never willing to pay for contact names and e-mails. Why should they when there are plenty of databases where access to teacher resumes is free?

 Anyway, here's the e-mail.

Dear Teacher,
My name is _________________. I am from Germany working currently with (usually an impressive corporate address is inserted here)

I need a professional ESL teacher like you to come and teach my beloved Wife English.

I and my wife wedded last April 2009 and she joined me here in Scotland last May 2009 to start living with me.

She is inability to understand English language to communicate with the people here in the UK that is why I urgently need your attention here to start teaching her English to enable her start communicating with the people here in the UK..

I saw your CV at and like it that is why I have contacted you.

Requirements for the position includes:
1. Any Certificate obtained as an Applicant with English teaching experience (Bachelors Degree and above).
2. Your recent photo.
3. Your phone number with your country code for proper conversation.
4. Once again your updated CV.

Salary: Monthly salary of GBP3,850.00 will be paid to you on the 20th day of every month and relocation package fee of GBP1,500.00 at the beginning of the contract, including monthly health insurance fee of GBP360.00 and vacation fee of GBP1,700.00 for any upcoming vacation.

As a qualified applicant, I want you to do contact me at once with requirements mentioned above for evaluation through my personal email address at (e-mail address is inserted here) so that we can proceed with the contract.


The warning of scams is a well rehearsed procedure on many sites, but the bottom line is don’t part with money. Dirk admittedly states that he was ‘stupid’ and not looking as closely as he should have been doing and Beveson says that by using my logic of not parting with money would mean that kids might not get the education they deserve. I scratch my head at the second statement and suggest that the use of logic and a smattering of common sense might well make the difference between now “happily working in China” and losing 800 GBP.

We get paid to work and it might be best to be instantly suspicious of over the top salaries, the appalling use of English and money up front in any employment offer. There is nothing complicated about not parting with money, giving out your credit card details or being wary of offers to part with your money from someone you have never seen on the other side of the world.

I wish you both well and would say to Dirk; don’t give up trying, make this a once in a life time lesson and simply be more careful. There are lots of genuine offers out there and having found the right one you won’t regret it.

By Ian, China (12th November 2011)

Well you can say all you want but anybody can be scammed if you are not looking as close as you should to all the details. Yes I was stupid and got caught in the scam and even tried to do research to check into background and other info. My Dr. Was a Dr. Lin with his wife and children from Tibet. They had moved to the UK and needed someone to teach wife and kids English. Now I know how hard is it to find an English teacher in and English speaking cow try? Well I looked past that thinking for the pay it may not be enough for a teacher living in the UK. So I moved on. I went to the website for work Visas to see what I needed to do. I saw a part about having maintenance money to live on until your first pay came in. So when I was asked to wire money in my own name to be picked up by me upon arrival I thought it was fine. Well a false ID later and I am without a job and out £800.00 to these thieves. I guess my need for a better job and a chance to make a difference blinded me to the truth. I can't get my money back and my pride is in the crapper and I am learning not to be as open and trusting of others. I hope I can move past this and maybe go back abroad and teach again. Lesson learned.

By Dirk642, Washington US (10th November 2011)

I am and have been happily working in China for the past year. I was also given my foreign expert certificate and have my Z visa. I am the only North American teacher my school has ever had. Were I or anyone else to used your logic, Ian, these kids may not have the opportunity to get the education they are getting now. Your use of ad hominem fallacy only serves to dissuade people from warning others of the scams out there.

By Beveson, China (9th August 2011)

This one is years old! 3000 GBP a month for teaching in the UK and they wanted me to travel back to an English speaking country to do it? As if there weren't enough people there to teach English already?
I have to say that if you fall for this sort of nonsense, (ip address was Nigeria), you really don't want to be travelling far from the UK hand holding nanny state and shouldn't be this far afield in the first place.

By Ian, Thailand (8th August 2011)

These people contacted my son off a legitimate board and as he just graduated was not aware of the scam. Once they wanted money even though sent to him through Western Union in the UK and they said he would pick it up from Western Union we felt something was wrong. Now going back through everything the guys place of business was not real clear and did not have a regular website, the phone was not clear when he called. My son contacted the legitimate board and they emailed back right away that it was a scam. Welcome to the real world!

I then remembered a friend doing a search for scams and this site popped right up so everyone should know they are still at it but the pay is not as good as the other offers. Just 500pds a week. Hope this helps others!

By Dan, USA (7th July 2010)

The bastards are at it again! This time it is from a "Dr Alphonso Bernard a native of Toulouse France" living in the UK offering "3,000.00GBP" Let the teacher beware!

By Keith, Thailand (9th May 2010)

To make a couple of typo's here and there may be acceptable. With regards to the salary it is not. There is a major departure between 30000 Pounds a month and 3000. You need to stop being so sensitive.

I worked in central London in the height of the IT boom and was paid 2500 Pounds a month and that was in the financial district. It all comes down to the details. The best paid job on this site I saw was for 2500 Pounds in Qatar. That I could believe. The best paid job in Thailand I have seen her on this website is around 60000 Baht. I could be wrong. At today's exchange rate that is around 1200 Pounds. With the UK having its worst ever recession for years (8% unemployment the last time I checked) to be offering 2800 Pounds to teach one family sounds far fetched. it all comes down to the details. When agencies phone me and tell me they have a job and want me to come and see them and I ask them about the details and they can't tell me I take it they don't have a job and they don't have the contract but are just fishing. Maybe that is just me. But unless they can tell me salary, hours, conditions etc.... for the most part I am not interested. for me it means they don;t have a job and not specific enough. If too good for the region I know it is a scam. Qatar maybe. London not. International Universoty maybe. Teaching a family. Nope. Would never believe it at that salary.

If someone contacted me for a job in Scotland teaching someone's wife I just know it could not possibly be true. Scots don't earn that much most of them anyway. They earn less than people in London and unless a school I would never believe someone was prepared to offer 2800 Pounds to teach his wife English when he could down the road and register a course for 200 or 300 Pounds and she could study when she wanted over a few months. But then I lived in the UK. Some haven't. I wouldn't have fallen for any of these scams. True. Too good. Too many pluses + this + that..... time off for this and that.... just unrealistic to be teaching someone's wife for 2800 Pounds a month or a family.....

Why would they pay for a teacher to fly all the way around the world in a country of 65 Million people most of which can speak English (some immigrants of course can't). Teacher's get paid less than 2000 Pounds a month in London the last time I checked. It is not a sought after professsion in London. They struggle for teachers there. Low paid compared to cost of living and hard work and chaotic I heard. We do it in Thailand because they need it and it is one of the few jobs we can get here and get paid reasonably compared to anything else and hopefully a work visa as well. But I have seen from some or many agencies they offer it and then don't deliver on it, and say some document - this or that - is missing. No one is offering teaching in London for 3000 or 2800 Pounds a month in Scotland I assure you unless you have such an impressive resume and work for a University. That I am pretty sure of.

That is the reality of the situation. Be well.

By Smartie, Bangkok (1st May 2010)

I was offered this job from the same people, but it was 2,800 British Pounds per month, and it was quite convincing. I've been around the block a few times and suspect everyone. I sent these people correspondence stating such, and we emailed back and forth for about a month. I received picture of my alleged apartment, the family, the doctor who was to be my employer, and it appeared legitimate. 40,000 pounds is not believable, but the 2,800 seemed high but not out of reach for a doctor. The very second I received an email directing me to send money, then I knew the jig was up. These people are evil and professional.

By Keith, Thailand (30th April 2010)

The information provided is solid but again you veil your advice with accusations against people trying to warn others of the scams that are out there.

"This is not chastisement, just a reality check. I wonder how many New York stock brokers earn 40000 Dollars a month. I mean come on wake up."

You say it's not chastisement but then chastise. -A monkey in a silk suit is still a monkey.

I wonder if the post regarding an offer of 30,000.00 GPB wasn't actually a type 'o' and meant as 3,000.00 GBP. Your post had enough type 'o's so I am sure you can appreciate the possibility.

Facts are facts, there are scammers and there are people willing to believe that good things happen. People who have been scammed can offer their advice to help others and as such either you are offering your advice without the courage to admit your unfortunate incident or you are just flapping your yap because you like the sound.

Either way, you are causing more harm than help by discouraging instead of simply informing.

By Byron Eveson, Canada (30th April 2010)

Anyone who believes there are jobs out there for 30000 Pounds a month teaching English, good luck to them. It is impossible frankly and if sounds too good to be true then it probably is. This is not chatisement, just a reality check. I wonder how many New York stock brokers earn 40000 Dollars a month. I mean come on wake up.

Although this may not or may be a variation of the 419 Nigerian scam. It seems to me that fraudsters are turning towards CV's and job offers because people are more truthful in them. They could even post ficticious details on the net. I had one recently about a job offer in Dubai and asked me strange questions like what job do I want. Well if they have a job, why are they asking me what job I want? It sounded funny and so I did not reply.

The truth is that everyone should be more vigilant and if sounds too good to be true, then it almost probably is. If they cannot give a verified website and that the email does not match that web address then it could be fake. Many fraudsters choose a well known or Government website and then ask you to ask to email them at a hotmail or yahoo account email address. This should send the alarm bells ringing. If they are serious their domain will match their email address. Some don't but then they are not offering out of the ordinary job offers in other countries. If they ask you to pay money then you is almost certainly a scam. And people have to be vigilant. I have heard of mmany people bieng ripped off. Paying money and the people disappear. Especially over the Internet. CV's and resume's are a great way to get your personal information. They know everything about you. Your email address, phone number where you worked before and your last job details. Be wary to give too much information is my advice. When they phone you give it to them.

I never trust anything that sounds too good to be true but maybe that is just me. If their email and website address vary be warned. It is probably a scam. And if it is not make sure they pay for something in advance and then you make sure that it is for real. Do your homework. If it is way above other job offers it could be a fake. Why have they chosen you?? ..... in most cases you have to chase after jobs and not the other way around. Unless you have exeptionally good track record it may be and probably is too good to be true. Especially in the global recession and political problems in Thailand.

Best wishes.

By Smartie, Bangkok (30th April 2010)

Though the Nigerian 419 does still find its way on the internet, the scam I posted is not a variation of the 419. When I reported this to the RCMP they told me what the scammers were doing was obtaining personal information by having you fill out a UK Border Agency application. Once complete they use the info to open a bank account under your name, then take out a loan and wire transfer the funds to an untraceable source. The RCMP recently caught 2 people doing this relatively new scam.

I think comments on this thread that chastise people for believing that there are good offers out there is less than helpful. Let’s work together informing one another and not make each other feel foolish for believing there might actually be good fortune in the world.

I would encourage people to do a search for their name on the internet. I found someone using my name and credentials on an ESL website but stating they were from a different country. After numerous attempts at having the profile removed, I had to threaten to call the local authorities where the site was based out of (China). The profile was removed that day.

By Byron Eveson, Canada (30th April 2010)

Thanks a million for all your comments. Please don't cut and paste any more actual scam letters though. They are rather lengthy and I think we all get the gist of what they are about.

By philip, (29th April 2010)

Anyone who belives they are going to get 30 000 pounds a month teaching English needs their head read. In the UK, you would be hard pressed to get a job for 2000pounds a month teaching. Look in the job mails and see that they are few and far between. anything that sounds too good to be true, probably is. This is all a variation of the Nigerian 419 scam. They promise you this or that which sounds too good to be true, good salaries and then say they need a commission in advance or service charges need to be paid, this or that. A bit like email lottery BS... you won 5 Million Euro, or 6 Million Pounds on your email address. Oh... sorry we now need you to pay us the service charge..... Amazing how many people fall for it. And these guys make a (good) living from it. Many Nigerians. True. Very slick until they get caught. If too good to be true it probably is, and NEVER pay anyone anything in advance.

By Smartie, Bangkok (29th April 2010)

I got the exact same job offer this week, only they were offering 30,000 GBP each month. The agent/lawyer name was Charlotte Taylor. They never asked me for any money. I explained that I would have to travel with my family and he said that was alright. I was discussing it over with a friend at work and she alerted me that it was a scam. I felt so stupid. I think that is why I had that nagging feeling about the job.

By D. Rigb, China (29th April 2010)

I posted this to warn others of the scam. Do I feel duped? Yes. Do I feel foolish? Yes. Do I appreciate being chastised by someone for it? No.

I was talking to the RCMP over this and they have recently arrested 2 people for the same scam. What the scammers are doing is giving out the offer in hopes to get access to personal banking information and identification. With this info they open up accounts and take out loans and send the funds via wire to an untraceable source.

I just hope that others reading this will be wary. But still know that despite Mr. Bangkok’s views, good offers still do exist.

Oh yes, as stated in my post, I was offered 2800 GBP not 3800.

By Byron Eveson, Canada (5th April 2010)

The old age saying - "Íf it sounds too good to be true it probably is"Not many people in the UK earning over 2500 Pounds I can tell you especially teachers. Why would they want you to go there when there is a plethora of ex teachers in the UK who hate the schools because of the badly behaved brats which they are not allowed to discipline. I heard of someone from South Africa Cape Flats where there was a lot of violence who went to the UK and lasted 2 weeks in the schools in London. he was shocked at the lack of discipline. The point being, there are loads of teachers in the UK. They don't need you and not at 3800 Pounds a month. Ask a British person. They will tell you it is impossible. Check your facts. These salaries are not offered to people in the UK, why would they offer it to you to travel half way around the world to come and teach them.

By ML, Bangkok (1st April 2010)

They are getting worse - now they have one of their "children" write and ask you to buy some Tom & Jerry dvd's for them. Yup, I got bit by these same nasty people.

By Keith, Bangkok, Thailand (31st March 2010)

I got the same guy contacting me. Caught it just in time. don't know what they are after but it can't be good. The address of # 11 Halesfield, Telford,Shropshire, England belongs to a furniture company. The Telford business directory does not have a Continental Corporation.

Here is a copy of my correspondence with this jerk:

katsu Yukio <>
dateThu, Mar 11, 2010 at 3:25 AM

Dear applicant,
How are you doing today.
I came across your resume on the tslwebsite.
My name is Dr. Katsu Yukio a native of Osaka,Japan. Presently,me and
my family just relocated to Telford, Shropshire, England few months
ago.I am actually in need of a competent professional International
English Language teacher who can take my Wife, Mimi and my 2 kids,
Chun and Mai in English classes.Because my family are my Priority,I am
willing to pay you 2,800.00GBP if you will take up this position.I
will provide you an Accommodation,furnished with a Television Set, and
Internet Ready computer along with the accommodation,so your comfort
will never be a problem.A vehicle will be available also for Mobility
if you can Drive. I need your updated resume for me to discuss more
about you with my family and also talk to your references.
Applicant Must be willing to relocate.
Hope to hear from you soonest, Cheers and God's blessings.

DR Katsu Yukio.
# 11 Halesfield,
Telford, Shropshire,
England. TF7 4QT.


Hello Bryon,
How are you doing today and i hope you are looking forward to a good weekend.
I have had the discussion with my family and we have all agreed to give you the opportunity to come over and join us to teach them English which im very happy about.
I must tell you once again that i am glad for the interest you are showing towards this,which i really consider as a help you are rendering to me irrespective of the salary and all other finances that you will be provided.I want you to realise that my family means a lot to me and i really take them as my priority in everything that i do and moreover i believe that to whom much is giving,much is expected.So im really expecting you to give me your best for this.I want you to go ahead and answer this little questions that i have for you.

1.Have you ever been offered this kind of position before.
2.What is your present employment status with your Current Employer.

3.Do you interact Freely with Kids.

4.What are you extra curricular activities.

5.Kindly explain in few words how you believe that you will be able to be the right person for this offer.

6.Your current marital status.

7.Whom can i get in touch with amongst your relatives to ask some few questions about you from the person.Email or phone number of the person.

Thank you very much once again.I will be waiting for your response,so that we can continue further.

I will surely find time and call you on Monday and discuss with you.
As for the information you have requested,my wifes name is Mimi and my childrens names are Chun and Mai.Mimi is 35years and my kids are 9 and 7 years respectively and if i am to rate the English,i will say my wife is 40% Ok and my kids are 30%.

Bye for now


Hello Bryon,
How are you doing today and good to read back from you once again.
I have gone through your RESUME and i can see that you have attained some good educational background and your work experience says much about you as well.Most especially the aspect of your career objective that indicates``To teach English as a second language applying best practice teaching techniques focused on developing and enhancing reading, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary skills`` and also your educational background where you had the CELTA Certificate in the University of Cambridge.
I am very happy with all this qualifications.
I will go ahead and have this discussed with my family to know what they feel about this.Left for me,I'm sure you are the right person to take up the offer but just let me hear from there small ideas since they are the ones you will be coming over to teach.Never to worry,I'm sure they are going to like the idea of hiring you.
About your visa,my immigration lawyer will be the one to take care of that,i will be referring you to her when the processing of your papers begins.
Let me know when it best to talk to you on phone,so i can give you a call and talk to you for some few minutes on phone.You can call me on +447024070868,so we can discuss better on phone..its best to call me on weekdays anytime,so far im not busy with patients or im not at the theatre,i will be able to talk to you.I will find time to give you a call as well,let me know when it will be best to reach you on phone.
Have a good day ahead of you and hope to read back from you soon.



Hello Byron,
How are you doing today and good to talk to you on phone the other time.
Attached is the contract letter you will be signing and get in touch
with my lawyer,she will be in charge of all the documentation and all
the visa.She will let you know all the things you will be needing to
do so as to start processing your documents and your working visa.Her
email is in the contract letter.Go ahead review the CONTRACT and
sign,then email her and tell her i directed you to her,i told her
already about you.Im sure she will start everything right away with
you.You will be sending me back a copy of the signed contract letter
and to the lawyer as well,then you will be keeping a copy as well for
the records because im sure you will be needing that during your entry
to the UK.
Hope to read back from you soon.
Have a lovely day ahead of you once again and remain Blessed.


Date: March 17 2010.
Dear Mr Byron J Eveson,
With reference to your application for employment in pursuant to the service contract, we
Hereby notify you that your qualification was found suitable for the requirements of
Dr. Katsu Yukio after evaluation of details as contained in your CV.
Hereinafter, you shall be required to serve as Professional English as a Second
Language Teacher for the family of Dr.Katsu Yukio.
Fulfillments and requirements of Dr. Katsu Yukio Family for a contract period of 1
year. There are possibilities of extension however that is after a performance review of
your previous performance with the Dr. Katsu Yukio Family.
Should you accept this job offer, you'll be eligible to receive the following beginning on
May 10th 2010, which is your hire date.
Salary: Monthly gross starting salary of £2,800 GBP (Two Thousand Eight Hundred
Great Britain Pounds) paid by your choice of check or direct deposit into a local or
foreign account you would designate.
--- GBP £300 for Health Insurance
--- Free accommodations, private room, and sitting room and sit out. Internet ready
computer and vehicle for mobility.
--- 2 weeks paid vacation twice a year.
--- Travel expenses have to be shouldered by the employeee and the employer has to
shoulder any other cost that arises.
---Hazard/Inconveniences : £40.00 (Monthly)
---Car Maintenance: £89.00 (Monthly)
---House & Furnishings: £80.00 (Yearly)
---Entertainment & Recreation: £75.00 (Monthly)
---Travel & Events: £50.00 (Monthly)
Employee is entitled to 1 month paid leave which can be taken once at a time or 2 weeks
apart one different period.
Employee will receive £150.00 Take home for each leave Period.
Working hours - 6 hours (including meal time)
Working time - 10:00 Hours – 16:00 Hours
Working days - Monday – Friday.
Please Proceed to Contact Agent Bridget Carlton of the UK Border Agency.
Home Office ,UK Border Agency, PO Box 3468,Sheffield,S3 8WA,United
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals as
of the day and year first written.
Signed in the Presence of:
Agent Bridget Carlton
Dr. Katsu Yukio Mr Byron J Eveson


bridget carlton <>
to *****************************

dateFri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:47 AM
subjectVisa Application Form

hide details Mar 19 (4 days ago)

Dear Applicant,

How are you doing? You need to get the Employment visa to work in the United Kingdom. To apply ,you must send the following documents and information's :

----- an international passport with remaining validity.&#123;scan it and email to me&#125;

------Fill the attached application form

-----Scanned copy of your certificate [Bachelor or above degree].

---- An address reachable by courier services to use receive the shipment.

------Name of the nearest airport you would be flying into the country from.

------Signed agreement letter from your employer.

I will be keeping you updated through email.

Hope to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely

Agent Bridget Carlton
Home Office , UK Border Agency,
Sheffield , S3 8WA


I hope this is helpful to anyone else that gets this scam in their inbox. I was only alerted when one of my fellow teacher graduates let me know she had a similar offer.


By Byron Eveson, Canada (22nd March 2010)

I have got the same email. My being innocent. I thought it was for real. I actually managed to negotiate with that sucker for a month now LOL hahaha. and he ended up sending me beautiful loving pictures of his family and a real charming apartment. Gosh, my 9 years of very successful teaching and living and jobs in China and all the passion for my hobby (I am an RC Pilot with 15+ aircrafts and 20+ Racing vehicles) including my big new MPV Citroen XSara Picasso, I was going to sell all that stuff believing that it was right. Thanks to your site who saved me from all this trouble. Else I would be ruined. :) if you need more details for these suckers spammers I have saved their emails. Contact me :) GOD what is wrong with people in this world. They almost ruined my successful career in China. I am getting back to Chinese universities where jobs are secure and good.

Ali Mansoor
China Operations Manager
RedCat Racing USA
Former Foreign Teacher
TEFL TESOL Intl. M.A. English, M.S. Computer Sciences.

By Ali Mansoor, China (22nd March 2010)

I've had many similar approaches, usually made by some Nigerian Jokers. More often than not, I've discovered, they obtain one's details from places like Job/Job,etc. I don't think I've ever been made aware that the Ajarn site has been 'raided'. As I see it, If an employer requires a 'processing fee' they can't afford you!

By Chris.P, Khon Kaen (30th January 2010)

* here's a sample contract from the scammers:(.

Dr. Mingli Chang
Chief Medical Director, Continental Coporation
# 11 Halesfield, Telford,Shropshire, England.
TF7 4QT. +44 (0) 7023090666.

Date: November 13 2009.

Dear _______________,


With reference to your application for employment in pursuant to the service contract, we
Hereby notify you that your qualification was found suitable for the requirements of
Dr. Mingli Chang Family after evaluation of details as contained in your CV.

Hereinafter, you shall be required to serve as Professional English as a Second Language Teacher for the family of Dr.Mingli Chang.

Fulfillments and requirements of Dr. Mingli Chang Family for a contract period of 1 year. There are possibilities of extension however that is after a performance review of your previous performance with the Dr. Mingli Chang Family.

Should you accept this job offer, you'll be eligible to receive the following beginning on
December 7 2009, which is your hire date.

Salary: Monthly gross starting salary of £2,800 GBP (Two Thousand Eight Hundred Great Britain Pounds) paid by your choice of check or direct deposit into a local or foreign account you would designate.
--- GBP £300 for Health Insurance
--- Free accommodations, private room, and sitting room and sit out. Internet ready computer and vehicle for mobility.
--- 2 weeks paid vacation twice a year.
--- Travel expenses have to be shouldered by the employeee and the employer has to shoulder any other cost that arises.

---Hazard/Inconveniences : £40.00 (Monthly)
---Car Maintenance: £89.00 (Monthly)
---House & Furnishings: £80.00 (Yearly)
---Entertainment & Recreation: £75.00 (Monthly)
---Travel & Events: £50.00 (Monthly)


Employee is entitled to 1 month paid leave which can be taken once at a time or 2 weeks apart one different period.

Employee will receive £150.00 Take home for each leave Period.

Working hours - 6 hours (including meal time)
Working time - 10:00 Hours – 16:00 Hours
Working days - Monday – Friday.

Please Proceed to Contact Agent Diana Simons of the UK Border Agency. Home Office ,UK Border Agency, PO Box 3468,Sheffield,S3 8WA,United Kingdom,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals as
of the day and year first written.

Signed in the Presence of:

Agent Diana Simons


Dr. Mingli Chang

By zyla, bangkok, Thailand (24th January 2010)

I arrived here last May to have a vacation. But as i see it, I found this place nice to live with cheap cost of living. I am a graduate of two courses and thru my friends' suggestions, I surf the net for a teaching job. I posted my resume at After 2 weeks, I got the same email from this German guy. Since i was new, had no knowledge of these scams, I replied to him and eventually he replied back. I went to the extent of seeing a lawyer to know the necessary papers i will need for the travel. Sometimes it pays to be doubtful. When i sent photo copies of my requirements to the travel agency of his lawyer, they advised me to send 236 pounds for the processing fee, as it is the ruling, that it should be shouldered by the applicant. But I was smart enough to write back to this German guy to pay for me first then just deduct from my first salary. From then on, i got no more feed back from him. So guys be careful.

By Dahlia, Bangkok, Thailand (14th January 2010)

I just graduated from my TEFL Course and I got a similar offer. A greek expat living in the UK wanted me to teach his wife and his two kids english. He offered a huge salary and acccoomodation. He didnt answer my question where he had my email from so I forgot about it. Now there's a confirmation that it was obviously a scam

By Danny, Bangkok (13th January 2010)

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Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to survive in Thailand? We analyze the facts.

Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

Many schools ask for demo lessons before they hire. What should you the teacher be aware of?

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?