Are things getting better for black teachers?

Postbox letter from Lee

For years, black teachers faced significant barriers when applying for TEFL jobs in Thailand. Schools often prioritized white, native-speaking teachers due to the stereotype about how an English teacher "should" look.

A native speaker's surprise

Postbox letter from Stephen

The TEFL job market in Thailand is definitely evolving, and while native English speakers are still in demand, I don't think they have the automatic advantage they once did.

How contacting employers about job opportunities really works

Postbox letter from Jason

In my experience of contacting employers and sending resumes, etc, things look like this:

Observations from a teacher recruiter's chair

Postbox letter from Brian

If you have any hand in employing teachers, and you're only interested in warm bodies in the classroom and paying the very least, you're going to attract the worst kind. But if you actually take the time to read cover letters, read CV's and try to get a feel for the person applying, your life will be so much easier.

Why education reform in Thailand is imminent

The Thai MOE surely has to begin the formal development of rules and regulations.

If the Thai education system was in fact reformed where certifications and teachers qualifications were vetted, then so-called teachers would indeed have to resort to “flipping burgers” in their native countries simply because they have no real qualifications to represent themselves as teachers.

The 'right teacher' means the only teacher available

Postbox letter from Mike

Finding the right teacher is more about finding the only teacher available right now. We are romanticizing the idea that your average school or agency for the most part puts any real thought into who they employ.

Ringing bells

Postbox letter from Phetpeter

When I see schools advertising often, I begin to think the dream jobs they are offering is too good to be true. I think why are they still looking or re-looking?

The TEFL job interview and what makes a good teacher?

Getting past the interview stage and deciding what roles to play in the classroom.

Think back to your favourite teacher at school. What was it that made him or her stand out? Chances are if you ask 10 people this, they’d come up with broadly similar qualities.

It's all about looks over quality

Postbox letter from Tim

Thais clearly prioritize presentation or looks over substance or quality when it comes to English teachers. They perceive white skin and Caucasian features as more attractive and presentable across Thai society.

Don't get too upset with the job ads

Thailand's employers can be brutally direct about who they want to hire

It’s worth being aware that some schools are pretty fussy about what they are looking for. Glance at any jobs section of a newspaper and you’ll notice that such pedantry is common.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 183 total Page 1 of 19

Featured Jobs

NES Elementary Teacher

฿75,000+ / month

Pathum Thani

Science and Mathematics Teacher

฿42,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


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฿22,000+ / month

Chiang Rai

Computer Teacher

฿22,000+ / month

Chiang Mai

NES Math Teachers

฿60,000+ / month


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  • Kissel

    Filipino, 29 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Samantha

    Filipino, 28 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Carlos

    American, 46 years old. Currently living in USA

  • Brandon

    Zimbabwean, 27 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Mthobisi

    South African, 40 years old. Currently living in South Africa

  • Gaby

    American, 45 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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