A request regarding letters to Postbox
Hi. This is Phil, the webmaster of ajarn.com. Can I just remind everyone that although we value the contributions to the ajarn postbox, not every letter will get used - especially if it's going to take me an hour to edit, or in many cases, to re-write the whole thing to make it readable. Someone under the pen-name 'flex-time' sent a letter today on the topic of 'working overtime' (at least that was the title) I read the letter. I read it again. I scratched my head a few times and then decided I couldn't use it simply because I couldn't make head nor tail of it.
If you are going to submit a letter to the ajarn Postbox, could I ask you to take a bit of care over punctuation and grammar. I don't have the time I'm afraid to edit or re-write contributions. Sorry.