Announcing ISMTEC 2013

The International Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Conference (ISMTEC) 2013, is a unique event, drawing K-12 teachers and specialists, university educators and researchers from around the world. This exciting conference will be held in conjunction with Thailand's "21st Science, Mathematics and Technology Conference in School," the first double conference for Thai and International educators ever held. ISMTEC 2013 will take a fresh look at science, mathematics and technology education: a conference for teachers and SMT educators, planned by teachers and SMT educators, held in one of the world's most dynamic cities! Proposal Deadline September 20. Early bird registration until November 15.
John R. Stiles, Ph.D.
Science Education Specialist and Consultant
Coordinator: International Science, Mathematics & Technology Education Conference (ISMTEC 2013)
Bangkok, Thailand
+66 80 060 1220
080 060 1220 in Thailand