CEFR has come to our school.

CEFR has come to our school.

Hi All,

I was in the photocopy room at school the other day and noticed a 90 page academic document that was to be copied 25 times and handed out to the teachers.

The document was
Manual for Language Test Development and Examining
For use with the CEFR.

So I went back up to my computer and found the document can be downloaded for free on this website.

So it is coming and after researching a little bit i do think it is a good Idea.

It seems to be leaning towards similar tests such as IELTS. Slightly different in terminology and at first glance maybe a bit Facist. Seems to be about business communication and conversations around the water cooler. ( I need more time to learn more so please take that last comment with a grain of salt).

So why my letter and hopefully it being put on the Ajarn website.

Well, I want to know more. I live out of the Bangkok and work in a Government school. (by choice)

I would hope that as the realization that this is the next hurdle we will all need to jump (us Farlang and the Thai teachers) that sharing information may give us all the skills we need to continue our existence here in Thailand and also use this as a benefit for finding work in other countries as well.

So if you have any info. I have gigabytes of sample tests for IELTS but I have not found any for the CEFR. So sample tests would be a good start. Than we can look at the actual test procedure and pros and cons.

As with most assessments understanding the goal of that assessment is often more important than the knowledge required to take it.

Have fun

T Mark

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