Maximum respect
I really respect the people that come to Thailand and get jobs working in schools to help students learn English. I've worked these types of job in the past and know that I've made a difference in the lives of many of the students that I've worked with. I really do feel though that teachers - both Thai and foreign - are exploited in Thailand far too much and that the only way to change this would be for foreign teachers to look elsewhere in Asia and the world for jobs. I believe that by doing this it would force many schools to not be able to offer the programs anymore and the more serious schools would take measures to try and get good workers. The fact that foreigners come to Thailand to teach for 25k-30k a month isn't a huge opportunity to be giving up anyway especially when you consider the pay in places like Korea, Japan and even Vietnam. Even for what the international schools pay in many cases isn't a great deal if you compare the salaries and benefits to living in the west. I understand for some people the love of working in schools in Thailand is more meaningful than a pay check and that is why I respect these types of teachers so much, but long-term these teachers will be out more so than not with not much to show for it.