UK criminal record checks

UK criminal record checks

In reply to ‘The ABCs of NOT securing a job' (Ajarn Postbox 3rd September 2012) I think potential employers are quite capable of smelling a rat and there are enough candidates out there for them to choose from. I too have a problem with criminal reference checks and to date no one has yet come up with an answer.

Here’s a little background and the question: I’m from the UK and due to our privacy laws it’s impossible to obtain a CRC online, or by a simple phone call as in the U.S. Every job I obtain would require a new check as the usual reply from the employer is that the original CRC is too old and a new one must be obtained. That involves a trip back to the UK, a stay in rented accommodation of up to 40 days, a change of address on documents - and finally the trip back.

Now, who’s going to pay for all that every couple of years? Certainly not me and at this point the employer usually goes very quiet. The whole world does not revolve around the U.S way of doing things and this would simply mean a huge reduction of UK teachers who are already living in Asia. Any suggestions?


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