We all have choices

Yes, ESL job wages are pretty crappy and the salaries are lower here (considering inflation) than they were 10 to 15 years ago. So what? I see you have today, same as in the past, three options.
1. Bitch about it and be miserable (and maybe unemployed)
2. Accept it and enjoy English teaching for what it offers despite the low pay
3. Change careers
It didn’t take me long when first coming to LOS and finding an English teaching job to realize there wasn’t any future from a financial perspective in teaching English. I am glad I chose option three without much delay. I can understand the frustration, but you make your own choice and blaming ‘Thailand’ or some unspecific ‘they’ for your situation is unlikely to help you to any extent.
By the way, bitching about salaries is universal and has little to do with teaching English in Thailand in 2012. The market decides teachers’ salaries, not bitching and moaning. You can’t change your past choices, but you do control your future. Which of the three options will you now choose? Choose wisely!