Why blaming everyone else is getting us nowhere.

I have just spent an hour researching the new testing regime being introduced by kruusapha (Thai education Authority).
So it is based on TOEFL, IELTS and many other tests that have been around for ever and a day.
Personally having taught IELTS, I like the structure. I like the goals it seeks. Learning the language for communication. Passing on ideas and conversing everyday. Great, exactly what is needed. Exactly what a language is for.
So back to my time teaching IELTS. The students I was teaching, would sit for the test once a year and most surprised themselves when they were receiving 3 and 4 gradings. The school was in the Issan region so please do not expect to much. Considering where they started, from the teachers I was working with were so happy for these kids when they surprised themselves.
The students would always comment on the head teacher's ability to get a score of 7 and how great she was. I would work with this teacher on a daily basis and had to speak Thai to her as she could not understand English.
After further investigation I was advised that this teacher never actually sat the exams but another teacher who had lived overseas would do it in her name. Apparently, well not really, Truthfully as someone who was in the position through nepotism could not be seen to have a lower level than the students. After further investigation by quietly talking to parents it was already understood how the head teacher had received the qualification. The parents said nothing, except to us westerners, and only wanted us to please help the students. I never stay in the same school for longer than 2 years as I am here to learn and travel. I can give many more examples like the one above about nepotism.
I suspect many of those leaders in Kruusapha are legitimate in their qualifications and were lucky enough to live or study overseas and see the benefits of the CERF-t system. Unfortunately the current paradigm in Thai culture is to muddle through. The next level did not have this luxury and directors in government schools must do what they no best. What they have been doing for the entire careers.
It is sad that a nation cannot accept just how successful it has been by using other peoples money. How history shows us that Thailand has always become rich by allowing others in to run the country while pretending they are. Although they have never been colonist they are being controlled.
So my point is this.
If Thailand wants to improve its educational standards maybe it needs to look at how it educates. Can Thailand please stop blaming everyone else and look at itself. Many other countries have succeeded at improving English in their country using back packers. These countries also design things that change the human race and accept they lost a world war or have been colonized.
By the way so many teachers are leaving Thailand at the moment that my school needs teachers. Even with no experience. The parents just want someone to help. They pay big baht for a very low level. Unfortunately when push comes to shove they just want the final grades to be falsified so their kids at least have chance.
Have fun.
Mark, Chantaburi