Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
How to write a sleazy SEO article For a Phuket beach resort
Sleazy beach resort proprietors, multinational corporate executives with private jets, sleazy SEO article writers, and tourists are all in the same boat.
In my spare time at the university, I started writing search engine optimized (SEO) pieces to get older Western women to come to Thailand for titjobs, and for tourists to visit resorts, and other stuff involving foreigners spending money in paradise.
The Thai ESL agent hustle
Thai ESL agents are largely unhindered in their business practices by morality.
When personal and working relationships between school staff and agents come under pressure and scrutiny because of good old-fashioned kickback schemes.
Stumbling blocks
What I didn’t learn in my 100-hour online ESL course
I can see my skin through my dress shirt because the thin layer of fine linen is totally soaked through. In short, it’s too hot to care about anything academic.