Working in Phrakhanong
Monthly Earnings 160,000
Q1. How is that income broken down? (full-time salary, private students, on-line teaching, extra work, etc)
I work at a top-tier fairly new international school (the students fees are 780,000 baht a year)
My base salary is 125,000 plus a housing allowance of 44,300. I also get worldwide medical insurance and two return flights per year. At the end of my second year, I should also receive a 10% salary bonus.
Q2. How much money can you save each month?
About 65-70,000.
Q3. How much do you pay for your accommodation and what do you live in exactly (house, apartment, condo)?
I have a 77 square metre 2-bedroom condo in Phra Khanong with pool, gym and golf carts. It's on a very smart, gated community.
Q4. What do you spend a month on the following things?
Very little as the school picks us up and drops us off each morning and evening. I spend a few hundred baht on taxis at the weekend.
Utility bills
Internet and phone is 800 baht, water is 160 baht and electricity comes to around 1,400.
Food - both restaurants and supermarket shopping
This comes to around 8,000 baht a month for both supermarket shopping and eating out in restaurants.
Nightlife and drinking
4,000 baht per week.
Books, computers
Very little.
Q5. How would you summarize your standard of living in one sentence?
I have an excellent standard of living with long working weeks but free weekends in one of the world's best cities.
Q6. What do you consider to be a real 'bargain' here?
Transport, particularly internal flights around Thailand.
Q7. In your opinion, how much money does anyone need to earn here in order to survive?
If there is no housing allowance then to maintain a UK standard of living I would say 60,000 a month. If there is a housing allowance in your salary and benefits package, then possibly 40,000.
Phil's analysis and comment

As a cost of living survey, it's short and sweet but the numbers are still there. It gives you an idea of what international school teachers can earn here (and I know international school teachers who make considerably more than this)
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