Meds! meds! meds!
Medical and health issues in Thailand
Bear in mind that illness can strike at any time and when it's time to visit the quack, it can be a little different to back home. So how good is Thailand's healthcare system and exactly what are your options. More importantly, what can sometimes go wrong?
Why don't we ever learn?
ESL teachers, bar girls and the sex industry
I hoped that I would never feel the need to write about bar girls or the sex industry, but these two stories stood out for the simple reason that both of them involved ESL teachers living and teaching in Bangkok.
Why I came to Thailand
Let's consider the real reasons
How can life best be lived? Simply by living it. By grabbing life by the balls befo re life grabs yours! I walked into a travel agency and bought myself a one way ticket to Bangkok. I considered it an early birthday present.