Discrimination exists all over
Undoubtedly there is racial discrimination in hiring. There is also ageism in hiring, even in the U.S. As an 'over fifty' candidate for teaching positions before I came to Thailand I was a victim of ageism in the U.S. I applied for a position at an International "golden" fast food company in the town where I had lived for twenty years.
I was repeatedly ignored when trying to follow up and then finally rejected when I questioned the hiring managers preferences for younger workers in management. During the interview I was asked, "So, what has you degree done for you lately?" And given the unmistakable impression of his own belief in his (the hiring manager's) self-importance. The position I obtained here in Thailand was based on my experience and the fact that I had all the necessary documents needed on hand during the interview.
I have had a positive experience with my Thailand employer and thank them for respecting my age and experience. The sting of discrimination is disheartening, discouraging. and does not get you the best candidate for the job. Yet, it is the way that many continue to act. Each society must confront itself and change comes at a glacial pace.