Colleen Setchell's blog on Ajarn.com
Paws for thought
Sometimes Thailand is no place for the animal lover
I'm constantly amazed by how many stray dogs and cats I see on the streets around Koh Samui. Some are lucky enough to look half decent, others aren't that lucky. For those of you who don't know how things work in Thailand when it comes to strays, here's the run down.
Helmets are not fashion accessories
Wear your helmets people!
Every day, hundreds of tourists descend on Koh Samui and for the time that they are here, seem to leave their brains at home.
Lucky day colours
Did you know that in Thai culture, each day has a colour?
A Thai student explained to me that the Thai people have a tradition in that they believe it brings good luck to wear certain colour clothing on certain days throughout the week. They take this tradition from an astrological rule.