Why do technical school students fight in Thailand?
In Thailand, fights between students from rival technical colleges have been happening for years.
Movies, TV shows, and social media often glamorize technical students as tough and rebellious, making fighting seem cool. Some students see it as a way to earn respect or boost their reputation.
Are things getting better for black teachers?
Postbox letter from Lee
For years, black teachers faced significant barriers when applying for TEFL jobs in Thailand. Schools often prioritized white, native-speaking teachers due to the stereotype about how an English teacher "should" look.
The making of a good true Thai
Towards a new patriarchy and an inclusive nationalism
With the recent change in government, now would be a good time for Thais to take their country back. Any time would be a good time for Thais to take their country back.
Go for the adventure, not to try and change things
Postbox letter from Jey
Go for the adventure, go to travel, enjoy and work hard but don't expect to make a difference to Thai society.
Captain Thailand inspired myths
Are certain Thai characteristics often inaccurate and overpraised?
When all is said and done, my school students are among the most engaging, fun-loving characters you could ever wish to meet. Whilst they are predominantly pragmatic in their attitudes towards diversity, they are generally genuine in their beliefs about equality.
Does the culture need to change?
Postbox letter from Philip
My teacher friend has seen teachers hit a student and another teacher call a young child 'crazy' because they didn't understand the question and asked for help
Farang, Farang, Farang
Postbox letter from Winston
I understand if someone calls me farang in the street, outside the school, that they don't mean to be rude. It's just what Thais call us. But it's not appropriate to use this word at school.
It takes all sorts
There's nowhere like an ESL staffroom when it comes to a crazy and diverse range of characters
People become ESL teachers for all kinds of reasons. Nowhere else will you find such a mélange of backgrounds, attitudes and beliefs, which is what makes the ESL staffroom like no other you’ll ever work in.
Strange encounters of the Thai kind
Strange things that have happened to me over the last few weeks
These might well have happened anywhere else in the world for that matter. On the other hand, things that may well not have happened anywhere else in the world, other than Thailand.
Happy to be here
Thai people have generally behaved impeccably during this period of hardship.
As impenetrable as Thai culture can seem, and as frustrating as certain things can be, I feel genuinely blessed to be here in these hard times of COVID-19. Nearly everyone here wears a mask. That is not the government forcing them to do it, but the people themselves willingly doing the right thing.