Taiwan Troll's blog on Ajarn.com
Culture shock
Adjusting to a new life abroad
The transition to life in a new country means adjusting to a foreign culture. But what is culture? What is it that we are confronted with? Culture is a set of shared, accepted behavior patterns, values, assumptions and common experiences. It defines the social structure, the expectations and the norms of communication for a society.
Minority report
B.Ed teachers in Thailand
Language schools often do not recognize the qualifications of a B.Ed. teacher. Often directors of schools have no background in the field of education and so do not know how to assess the credentials of a B.Ed. teacher.
Behaviour management
What cultural aspects do we need to consider?
Any behavior management system must have a system of rewards and punishment. Even the Grade 1 teacher utilized a rewards and punishment system, though in her case the reward was positive reinforcement and praise.
Moral education
The Bangkok case
So what are the problems faced by Thai youth? Well, many of the same problems are faced by Thai youth as are faced by their North American counterparts, though in different degree and proportion. Unfortunately, statistics are few and far between and often unreliable.
An ajarn lifeline
Blogging is way for people to communicate on the internet by posting articles or entries on their own personalized website. People viewing your website can, in turn, write responses or comments to your articles.