Cultural Miscommunication?
Postbox letter from Ian, Songkhla
Anyone living in SEA, local or farang, willing and able to select candidates for long-term, profitable business relationships, the kind that build real, lasting wealth, and are fueled by loyalty, trust, and respect, need look no further than guys like me.
Going Home
The difficulties of finding employment when a teacher returns to the USA
The economy is functioning like an alcoholic's ailing liver. This has been headline news for several years, but seeing it in the news and experiencing it first hand was quite different.
Panic stations
Losing and replacing a US passport
Well, after traveling through 14 countries in the last few years, I finally managed to lose my passport. Luckily, it's not the end of the world for US citizens living in Bangkok to get it replaced. Just don't plan on leaving the country anytime soon.
Young Americans
Close encounters of the British-American kind
Imagine being trapped in a lift with Freddie Kruger, double your fear and you'll know what it's like to be on the skytrain with a loud yank.