Why must qualified teachers suffer?
Postbox letter from Pascal
I find myself competing for jobs with an influx of so-called 'teachers - unqualified digital nomads who view teaching as nothing more than a convenient way to finance their travels. It’s frustrating to see schools prioritize a foreign face over actual teaching ability.
How contacting employers about job opportunities really works
Postbox letter from Jason
In my experience of contacting employers and sending resumes, etc, things look like this:
A journey into the over 60's TEFL graveyard
Postbox letter from John V (Thailand)
When it happened, it occurred at the speed of light. Having lost its contract with the local education authority, my company and I parted on amicable terms and moreover, in an uncharacteristic display of Chinese efficiency, within one week I found myself on a flight from Northern China back to Thailand.
Thailand doesn't seem to want me
Postbox letter from Gary
The gaps between finding work were becoming untenable - months at a time, this time specifically five months without work.
Power resume!
When you put your resume in front of an employer, you are the product.
Whether your resume is scanned for six or sixteen seconds, you've got precious time to make an impression. Power resumes that work are effective because, as marketing brochures, they spark an interest in a particular product - you!
A suitable resume
Perhaps, the process of preparing a (good) resume is not so simple after all.
Getting a good teaching job starts with a resume or a Curriculum Vitae. We all know how it works, and what to put into it, right?
Take the first job you can get
It's all about getting a foot in the door
There are "Teachers in Thailand" rooms that I belong to that say don't settle for anything less than 40K when it comes to a teaching job, and although I do agree with them, that's easier said than done.
Interesting Thailand stuff - June 2016
Another selection of interesting blog and article links
The rainy season is almost upon us. Why not kick back and enjoy some of the best Thailand-related articles that I've found on the internet over the past several months.
More than just money
Consider the 'perks' of a teaching job as well
I have come to realize that there are many other important factors that you should consider when applying for teaching jobs, some of which are just as important as the salary.