Bring back real discipline
Postbox letter from Dave
You simply cannot take a namby pamby approach as many so called educators have been writing about for years in their papers and getting praised and their works published.
Discipline in Thai Schools
How to deal with unruly students, cultural differences to watch out for and more.....
Sooner or later you will come up against students who would prefer to play up than knuckle down. Even in the best of classes, discipline is always something a teacher needs to be aware of.
Catholic schoolteacher caught caning students
Postbox letter from Donald Patnaude
How far should teachers be allowed to go when dishoing out corporal punishment to students?
Caring or kinky?
Corporal punishment in public schools
According to studies and surveys, neither the majority of teachers, parents, nor students are against corporal punishment in school. In fact, an overwhelming majority are for it and see very little, if anything wrong with it, as long as it is meted out "fairly."