A class points system worked for me!

Postbox letter from Kelvin

In ESL classes, there’s often this mix of teaching and fun, where teachers can end up being more like entertainers. I tried to find a balance between keeping things light and making sure that the students actually learned something.

Bring back real discipline

Postbox letter from Dave

You simply cannot take a namby pamby approach as many so called educators have been writing about for years in their papers and getting praised and their works published.

Tales of Thai school discipline

When foreign teachers face the classroom troublemakers

I thought I'd tell you about a few of my memories of disciplining students from my (so far) 20-year teaching career.

Discipline in Thai Schools

How to deal with unruly students, cultural differences to watch out for and more.....

Sooner or later you will come up against students who would prefer to play up than knuckle down. Even in the best of classes, discipline is always something a teacher needs to be aware of.

Strict discipline at Thai schools

Teachers aren't afraid to dish out the punishment if a student steps out of line.

The topic of school discipline came up in one of my classes a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty illuminating to me what happens in some schools here. I talked about it with some Thai friends over the weekend and they had pretty mixed views

Stop that noise!

8 classroom management strategies to regain control of your noisy classroom

With these 8 tips, I was able to feel more in control of my classroom, and I believe that they can help you too!

A short-lived teaching career?

I'm not sure whether Thailand isn't right for me or I'm not right for Thailand.

In spite of the draconian disciplinary measures, the students are basically normal, mostly happy, playful, loving children, who are extremely well behaved, and attentive to my classroom instructions - when the Thai teachers and assistants are present.

The importance of a positive learning environment

It helps to think back to my own past school experiences.

Call me an idealist, but each time I see a teacher whose negativity and/or negative reinforcement tactics are obvious, the Pink Floyd music video plays in my mind. “Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone…”

A better way to deal with class disruptions

What to do when students misbehave

This article is for teachers like me who don't have formal training to do what they do, but who nevertheless want to do the best that they can to enrich and improve their own lives as well as those of their students.

Thai education and TEFL class management

A look at three practical examples to use in your classroom

Class management, although employing techniques, isn't so much a process as a mind-set requiring a separate skill set from that of delivery, a point often missed in progressive education orthodoxy.

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Teacher mistakes

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