But what about the racism and ageism?
Postbox letter from Jonathan
I know excellent teachers who because of their skin colour are not allowed in a school because "the parents want a white face" so actually I will amend my previous statement and include all the racist Thai parents out there. The simple question for Thailand should be do you want to learn English or don't you?
Thai generosity
Postbox letter from Mr Dee
Thai people are one of the most generous people in the world, and it is a fact and part of their culture. You can see it by how gift giving is always a part of any ceremony and any event.
Show a bit of community spirit Thailand
Postbox letter from Dr John Smith
Why has nothing been done by the Thai people to help the Filipino people? I think Thai people should be ashamed of themselves for being so blind and ignorant toward a fellow ASEAN member country that is in desperate need of help
The hour of need
Postbox letter from Frank Steel
A change of subject from the usual problems of bureaucracy in Thailand. This last weekend the Philippines have experienced one of the most powerful cyclones the world has seen and experienced. Yet on trying to discuss this in an English class with Thai students, it's like hitting your head against a brick wall, it seems not one of them were aware of what has happened.