Will I find work in Thailand?
Is there a definitive answer to this incredibly common question?
I wish I could look at the main scenarios, the reasons teachers ask if they will find work in Thailand, and give everyone a straight "yes, you will" or "no, you won't" answer. But unfortunately it's nowhere near that straightforward.
Being fat and brown-skinned in Thailand
The truth about the ESL industry here for guys like me
My advice is to think long and hard before coming to Asia, especially Thailand, to work as an ESL teacher. Keep in mind that recruiters ask for your photo when you apply for the job.
It's not the 'Land of Smiles' for us
Facing challenges as a black teacher in Thailand
For the sensitive minded people who live in utter oblivion about skin color, this is probably not the article for you. But this is the cold hard truth.
Time to move on
Postbox letter from Purnima
I have decided to move on from my current job and find that even after all these years of experience and a M.A in TESOL, it is very difficult for me to find another job.
But what about the racism and ageism?
Postbox letter from Jonathan
I know excellent teachers who because of their skin colour are not allowed in a school because "the parents want a white face" so actually I will amend my previous statement and include all the racist Thai parents out there. The simple question for Thailand should be do you want to learn English or don't you?
Can't Speak English?
Postbox letter from Pablo Gravoso
I am sure that my students will sooner or later become school administrators. I hope that they will not look at the color of the skin when they hire ESL teachers. They can hire whites, blacks or Asians. It doesn't matter. What is important is that they should look at the qualifications.
Skin color does matter in Thailand
Postbox letter from Sano
I do agree that a language should be taught by a native speaker but it is also important to look at the person's qualifications.
Patience is a virtue
Postbox letter from Jeff
The way I finally started to see it, one may have all the qualifications they believe to get the job, but there's one 'qualification' Thais truly desire that they don't always mention.
Give Thailand more time
Postbox letter from Del
Please remember that Thailand is still a developing country. Give the Thais time to develop their own social conscience instead of trying to impose your own values on them.
Discrimination pure and simple
Postbox letter from Jeff
When I see racist ads like the one that accidentally made its way onto the site, it only serves to open up some old wounds and scars.