Let us remember the fallen teachers

Postbox letter from Jessica, Norway

Before 2019, Filipino teachers wishing to obtain a teaching license had two choices: study in Thailand or study in Philippine universities.

Covid health insurance info for Filipino teachers

Postbox letter from Harrell Guy Graham

I was asked to find insurance for my teacher friend from the Philippines trying to return to Thailand and who needs Covid insurance in order to return. Here is what I found.

Filipinos do it better!

Postbox letter from Danielle

Native English speakers are only hired as a marketing strategy, only as a face to attract more students. In reality, they cannot teach grammar to students who are learning English as second language or even as a foreign language.

Enough trash talk belittling Filipino teachers!

Postbox letter from A proud Filipino English lecturer

English may not be the Filipinos' native language but they definitely are competitive with the native speakers whether the native speakers accept it or not.

Understanding Filipino teachers

Postbox letter from A Pinoy Teacher

When the OFW (overseas Filipino worker) goes abroad, there is no other source of income but bills continue to come in. The OFW, for the most part, does not have the luxury of time to wait for a better offer because any time soon, a call from the family back home could put enormous stress on them.

Goodbye you slave drivers!

Postbox letter from Nigel

Now the agent I work for is on thin ice as there are only four native English speaking teachers left out of an original twenty or so. The staff-room now looks like a downtown Manila coffee shop.

Filipino teachers need to get tougher

Postbox letter from Joe, Bangkok

The Filipinos at my school are overly obedient and never question management. To the point that they end up working evenings and weekends for free. The Thai management see this and now expect the same from westerners.

Be a proud Filipino teacher!

Postbox letter from Elena

Thailand sets its own rules and it's understandable why they prefer Caucasians to teach them but ultimately, the purpose is to learn. If they don't want to be taught by a Filipino because we aren't the epitome of a native English speakers, that's cool.

Is it game over for native English speakers?

Postbox letter from Anon, Bangkok

Over 30,000 baht just to get legal now and have the 'privilege' of working in Thailand.

A time of change

Taking over blogging duties from a very special person

As changes take place, you will surely meet a person who directly influences and affects your life in a magnitude that he/she might never know.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 14 total Page 1 of 2

Featured Jobs

NES Teachers

฿34,000+ / month

Nakhon Si Thammarat

Native English Teachers for Primary & Secondary

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฿71,000+ / month


Female NES Kindergarten Teacher

฿48,000+ / month


English Language Instructors

฿40,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

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    Russian, 34 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Mark

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  • Mpho

    South African, 28 years old. Currently living in South Africa

  • Pedro

    Brazilian, 24 years old. Currently living in Brazil

  • Jasmin

    Filipino, 22 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Shard

    Indian, 40 years old. Currently living in India

The Hot Spot

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

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Will I find work in Thailand?

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The cost of living

The cost of living

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The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

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Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

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Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.