From Rajabhat to the World
How Thailand’s love of music inspired my creative journey.
Teaching English at Rajabhat Phetchaburi was rewarding in ways I never expected. Thailand’s vibrant culture, its warm people, and its students’ eagerness to learn made every day special. I found that music wasn’t just a way to entertain; it was an effective teaching tool.
Filipino teachers need to get tougher
Postbox letter from Joe, Bangkok
The Filipinos at my school are overly obedient and never question management. To the point that they end up working evenings and weekends for free. The Thai management see this and now expect the same from westerners.
Halloween celebrations
Schools all over Thailand are spooking it up today
Schools even have a legitimate excuse for celebrating Halloween, because it is covered in the Thai MoE's foreign language curriculum - ‘students should be aware of foreign cultures and festivals.'
Science department camp
A fun school outing to Samut Sakhon
Apparently, once per year my department goes on some kind of a retreat. I felt quite honored when I was invited (more like coerced) to attend the all-Thai getaway.
Science day spectacular
Thais certainly know how to put on a show
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Thai schools love to put on a show. It's not always a GOOD show, but at least once every week or so, my school has some kind of event happening during morning assembly that lasts well into the school day.