Pets and Thailand real estate

Is it a good idea to bring your pet with you to live in Thailand?

When you plan to leave home to travel thousands of miles to the other side of the world, it presents a huge emotional strain. There's the strain of leaving family, friends and loved ones - people who you may not see again for months or even years. Some of these loved ones have four legs, tails or even fins. So do you opt to leave them behind or do you bring them with you? It's a big question for some people!

A dream lifestyle in Thailand

Does Chiang Mai offer the perfect place to live and work? Well, live anyway

I'll put my hands up and admit I've been somewhat unkind to Chiang Mai in past blogs. On past visits, I've usually had the job of playing tour guide to my ageing parents and a couple of their friends. It's never easy to move a group of elderly folk around a sizeable Asian city without having every tout and unofficial tour operator descending on you from miles around

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Featured Jobs

Native English Teachers for Primary & Secondary

฿60,000+ / month


Online English / Subject Teacher

฿825+ / hour


Biology and English Teachers

฿71,000+ / month


Female NES Kindergarten Teacher

฿48,000+ / month


English Language Instructors

฿40,000+ / month


Phonics Teacher (Kindergarten - Primary)

฿45,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Raymund

    Filipino, 29 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Cecil

    French, 42 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Ian

    British, 67 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Lester

    Filipino, 27 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Crystal

    American, 37 years old. Currently living in USA

  • Meagan

    American, 41 years old. Currently living in United Kingdom

The Hot Spot

Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.

Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

Many schools ask for demo lessons before they hire. What should you the teacher be aware of?

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to survive in Thailand? We analyze the facts.

Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!