Teachers and their legal standing
Postbox letter from Seeker of Knowledge
I know a group of teachers last year that tried to take a well known private school to court over various acts of blantant labour abuses. They fell like rocks when a well known law firm (which also wrote the law book we were using to find information) told them the law they published did not apply to us. Since then I have been very cautious about my work contract.
Labour protection for teachers at private schools
Postbox letter from No Justice to the Chalkies
Every person working in Thailand, who receives money for their labour, have the right to labour protection. However this is not true if you are a teacher or principal - foreign or Thai, working as a teacher at a Thai private school.
A teacher's day in court
Postbox letter from Justice for Chalkies
A group of teachers took a Bangkok private school to court over severance pay and wrongful termination of contracts.