The labor law in Thailand is NOT gray

Postbox letter from Jonathan

There is no gray area here. Always go with a Thai. Always speak to a supervisor if anyone tries to fob you off with the 'this doesn't apply to you' crap. Nearly all schools will settle at the initial arbitration meeting.

When your face just doesn't fit

When a school wants to fire you, what can you do?

I had been working as a Maths teacher for just under four months at a Catholic school in Bangkok when the head teacher, who is always happy to deliver bad news in a very dramatic way, informed me that parents had complained about the homework books not being marked. This was just the beginning.

How to take legal action?

Postbox letter from Isabella

The international school that I work for employed me on a 23-month contract but they want to terminate it after my first school year for very vague reasons.

Don't get disheartened folks

Postbox letter from Jonathan

There are many good agencies out there and many schools that will hire direct. Visit them in person and drop off a nice little resume pack with all your photocopies, certificates etc. It will work wonders.

Teacher nightmares part two

What happens when teaching in Thailand all goes horribly wrong

More stories from teachers in Thailand who have found themselves in difficult situations often through no fault of their own. Can you offer them some good advice?

What are your rights?

Where questions are thrown out to real teachers.....or just thrown out

Number one in probably a series of one. A teacher has a problem that just can't answer (it happens quite often to be honest) and we ask all you teachers out there to chip in with your two cents, particularly those of you who have been in the same situation. Who's been there, done that and bought the 12-piece gift set?

Teachers and their legal standing

Postbox letter from Seeker of Knowledge

I know a group of teachers last year that tried to take a well known private school to court over various acts of blantant labour abuses. They fell like rocks when a well known law firm (which also wrote the law book we were using to find information) told them the law they published did not apply to us. Since then I have been very cautious about my work contract.

Severance pay part two

Postbox letter from Justice for Chalkies

This act exemption appears to be an outright example how the elite control information taught in the schools and how teachers are kept under control.

Labour protection for teachers at private schools

Postbox letter from No Justice to the Chalkies

Every person working in Thailand, who receives money for their labour, have the right to labour protection. However this is not true if you are a teacher or principal - foreign or Thai, working as a teacher at a Thai private school.

A teacher's day in court

Postbox letter from Justice for Chalkies

A group of teachers took a Bangkok private school to court over severance pay and wrongful termination of contracts.

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