How to land that job
Tips for getting a teaching job in Thailand.
Thinking of interviewing for teaching jobs? What's the best way to go about it? What are the questions to ask at an interview and what kind of answers should you be looking for?
It's really up to you
Postbox letter from Ian Bkk
What suits me as a teaching job, is very different from the next teacher. We all have different needs.
Is TEFL teaching a career or a job?
Perhaps it's not such an easy question to answer
Should an individual accepting a position as a TEFL teacher think this is the first step in a career or should one consider it “only” as a job?
Its that time of year again.
Postbox letter from Ian
We all seem to be scrambling for something. It all depends on if that something is actually worth having. I count myself lucky inasmuch as I work with a very good group of people, plus there's a lot of variety.
Why older teachers find it difficult to get work here
Postbox letter from David Fahey
What I saw over the years in Thailand though were a number of older teachers who had, over the years, gained a lot of experience but somehow lost their love of teaching along the way and had failed to realise it or, if they had, they were often in denial about it
Postbox letter from M.Benson
I want to home in on one very specific aspect of education within Thailand – namely, the prevailing approach to utilizing teachers. From what I have observed this country has moved strongly toward what I perceive, again, as an essentially money obsessed , cheap is better hiring scheme.
It's goodbye to teaching
Stories from folks that have found things they would much rather do
Here are stories from a dozen folks who resigned themselves to teaching because they mistakenly thought it was the only job they could get in Thailand. Then lo and behold, Lady Luck came a-knocking.
Hope for career shifters in Thailand
How can talented teachers overcome a lack of opportunity?
There is a green pasture for teachers in Thailand especially for those who have extra qualifications or skill in accountancy, secretarial science, engineering, call center, computing, and other fields
Advertisements with misleading job titles
Postbox letter from Nathan Busch
I find it rather funny that this school has the idea they can get a difficult-to-fill post filled by advertising for it under false pretenses of another job title
Aren't we flogging a dead horse?
Postbox letter from Nick
I have from time to time read several of the articles post on your website and many are both interesting and good, but at the same time, I think sometimes we are beating the same dead horse over and over and over again without any real value or change