Tips for the newbie teacher
Keep these points in mind and you'll cope far better
Don't get stressed by the job. Remember that you are merely the latest in a long line of farang teachers who have come and gone. There isn't enough time to make any real progress with students' English so just try and make it fun for them.
Random TEFL musings (part one)
Preparing yourself for teaching in Thailand
Teaching in Thailand isn't easy. Accept that you will never be the perfect teacher. Take classroom management seriously. Expect bad or negative things to happen. Finally, know exactly why the school has hired you.
The key to student achievement
It's all about quality teacher training
When seminars /workshops are conducted, they should be truly relevant to the teachers' needs. During the seminars I attend, my fellow teachers always complain, "It's the same thing, they should have given us the things we really need, the things they give us are not applicable to our classes."