Launching a school magazine

What's involved in creating a brand new student publication that everyone will enjoy reading?

Since moving to Thailand, I've often considered creating a simple magazine for students. But with a schedule focused on younger students (P1 to P4).

The benefits of team teaching

Postbox letter from Juan

There was a moment when the Thai teacher mentioned that she had picked up many new activities from me that she had never encountered before. In the same way, I learned from her how to manage classes, introduce lessons, present activities, and assess students.

The ideal student to teach

What characteristics make the perfect Thai student?

It's only fair for teachers to entertain thoughts about the benchmarks for role model language learners. Let's explore the traits that many teachers would cherish in their students.

Longer classroom activities

Here is a selection of tried and trusted longer activities that are much than just lesson-fillers and warmers.

Activities for all ages and levels including role-plays, debates, grammar focus and some simply to get students using their imaginations.

How to make lessons interesting (warmers)

A good selection of warmers and lesson-fillers for a teacher to keep up their sleeve

Warmers are an important part of a lesson. They aren’t just there to fill time while you figure out what page they’re on today. A simple warmer should be either used to review the previous lesson or set the scene for the day’s class. If done well, students become interested and are then easily led into the main task.

More on lesson planning

looking at three lesson components; warmer, lesson stages and plenary.

With a little bit of practice, lesson planning will become second-nature and, once you have everything in place, the actual teaching side of things will also become a whole lot easier - and more rewarding.

A reluctance to question the teacher

Postbox letter from Sophie

I've found one of the most challenging aspects of being a new teacher in Thailand is the students' reluctance to ask questions in class.

Motivating Thai students to use English

Postbox letter from Warisa

The main issue occurring in all places is the inability to utilize the language efficiently in all skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking)

On entering the classroom

On your first day as a teacher, winging it is not an option.

The best way to be confident is to be prepared. Have a broad idea of how your first few lessons are going to go. If you can get hold of a lesson plan or course book beforehand, then wonderful. If not, at least have a ‘getting to know you’ type of lesson up your sleeve.

Ways of teaching

Do you know your TBL from your ESA and CLT?

Great debates rage as to whether PPP is outdated, if TPR works for everyone and if ESA is really PPP in disguise. The good news is that the basics remain simple – keep students entertained and give them a chance to use what they are learning.

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Air your views

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.