The day of reckoning

Postbox letter from Dave

The days of the "tourist teacher" with a high school completion, fresh face and a TEFL cert are now facing a mass extinction event (globally).

At least nobody died

Sometimes just be thankful that's as good as it gets

I'm now in my third year as an English teacher at a secondary school in Thailand. I guess you could say I'm a veteran now, though this is a job which 'veteran' doesn't mean much

It's been a great adventure

Postbox letter from William Putnam

It’s been a fantastic year. I have lived in Southeast Asia since September 10th, 2012. I was not sure I was going to work as a teacher when I arrived. I viewed my travels here as a long vacation. However, once I realized I liked it here, I began to look for jobs so that I could stay longer.

Cultural differences in teaching

The only way is Britain.....or is it?

I often wonder about the morality of a British education for Thailand's international school pupils which are mainly Thai or Thai mixed. Where is their cultural relevance? Their literary legacies? The moments where they connect a memory to a place or taste and belly-laugh with contentment that only resonance can bring.

Ten reasons to teach in Thailand

Why choose Thailand over other TEFL destinations?

Now, more than ever, being a native speaker of English (Or even non-native speaker) is a valuable world export and can be an easy, economic, and deeply rewarding way to see the globe.

A permanent 'yes' relationship to the world

What it means to be poor

My family means a lot to me. In fact, they are all I have left. We are very close and I communicate regularly with my father and two sisters through Skype, email, and Facebook. I know how fortunate I am to have the family I do. Unfortunately, not too many others can say the same.

Teacher or entertainer or teacher AND entertainer?

Postbox letter from Wes R

"We're not teachers, we're entertainers!" That's a dangerous little meme and it's something I've read countless times on countless websites as it concerns teaching English in another country, especially Thailand.

Can't Speak English?

Postbox letter from Pablo Gravoso

I am sure that my students will sooner or later become school administrators. I hope that they will not look at the color of the skin when they hire ESL teachers. They can hire whites, blacks or Asians. It doesn't matter. What is important is that they should look at the qualifications.

Confessions of a new teacher

What I learned in the first five months

I'm Karisa and I couldn't be more of a cliché: a blonde, American, recent college grad who decided to go teach in a foreign country! Don't be too impressed with me; I'm hardly unique in this expedition to teach English abroad.

Happy and exhausted reflections from a newbie teacher

Postbox letter from Jojo Tiger

What an intense year this has been. So many people inspired me along the way, fellow teachers, ex teachers friends and total strangers.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 96 total Page 3 of 10

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The Hot Spot

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Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to live in Thailand? We survey various teachers earning different salaries and with different lifestyles.

The region guides

The region guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

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Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.