Don't be discouraged

Postbox letter from Jonathan

The problems of Thai education system are far from simple and the problems of learning English are not free from serious issues. You may talk about the no fail policy, however I feel that is just one part of the bigger picture. Until the Thais get round the idea that they really do need help from westerners not much progress will be made.

Parent power

Postbox letter from Keith Evans

We are currently halfway through the mid-term exams. Yesterday, a colleague and I were called into a meeting with some of the senior secondary students' parents, and the assistant director and a few of his cronies

Stop this no-fail policy

Postbox letter from Dr John Smith

I have many students that fail and one particular class I was supposed to teach had never turned up to a class, never took a test or exam and I failed them all. I was told that I could not fail them by the head of year and by the director of the school and that I would have to give them minimal scores.

An excellent summary

Postbox letter from James

I didn’t initially come to Thailand to be a slave labourer either; to be abused, overworked, cheated and blamed for all its ills. I’d rather be judged on the quality of the work I do than forever blamed for the systemic failures that I can’t change.

Enough of the silly rules

Postbox letter from Dr John Smith

I believe that every child should be afforded the same educational standards regardless but how is that possible when the ministry of education will not help visiting teachers (as I hate the word foreigner) from other native speaking countries who are here to try and help their children attain a higher level of self consciousness and awareness to better themselves and to educate the next generation for Thailand.

Another demo lesson fiasco

Postbox letter from Lauren

I had a similar situation where I attended an interview with a reputable agency and was sent to do a demo lesson at one of their schools (not the school they needed a new teacher for). I was told to give a 40-minute demo from a book.

Thailand vs China?

Which country comes out on top for a TEFLer?

I taught English in China for 9 years. Every day I remember something bad that happened to me on a regular basis in China that never happens to me in Thailand. Here is my opinion of the two countries if you put them up against each other - from the point of view of an English teacher of course.

Just because its on university grounds

Postbox letter from Gayle Smith

There are many great schools in Thailand, with excellent administrators and wonderful staff. However, the opposite is also true. Some schools have been formed with the express intention of attracting students through apparent connections and links to universities.

Ageism in Thai Schools

Postbox letter from Jamie

I have to agree that there seems to be a bias towards young teachers here in Thailand.

Ageism alive and kicking in Thailand

Postbox letter from Stephen Salter

What is it with Thai schools and younger teachers? I left Thailand last year after teaching here for almost 7 years. I am 56 this year and would no doubt be struggling to get a job.

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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Need Thailand insurance?

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