The uphill fight to make a difference.
There are many obstacles in your way that you can do almost nothing about.
There are lots of good reasons why teachers are struggling to get the job done and the good news is that none of them are your fault!
My wishes
Reflecting on what I could have done better for my students
What had I achieved as a teacher, as a class?" "What had I given them? What had my students taught me during the past year?" So many moments of ups and downs, sheer joy and triumphs, but there were things I wish I could have done better.
How to motivate your students
From using humor and surprise to employing reward structures
Boredom grows from predictability. An occasional taste of the unexpected will make everyone's learning experience more enjoyable.
Passing a test takes hard work
Postbox letter from Nigel
I once had a student ask me; "Teacher, if I did this test in Cambodia, would it be easier?" to which I replied "Is that a joke?"