The slow train to Ayuthaya

A day in Thailand's old capital

I'm not sure where I got the inspiration from but I had a sudden urge to take a train in Thailand - nothing too ambitious or demanding, just a stress-free couple of hours from Bangkok to somewhere else. That would do nicely.

Taking an overnight train in Thailand

Or should that be riding the rolling coffin?

I've been on many trains in Europe of varying price points, but even the lowest class trains I saw in Italy are a more pleasant experience than this "express" train. I can wholeheartedly say that I'll never do an overnight train in Thailand again.

The state of the state railway

It's a shame that such a great mode of transportation isn't in better hands

By the time we rolled into Hualamphong Station (a wonderful station, for the record) two hours late we were so happy that we kind of forgot about the sleepless night and just laughed about it. And that's what I'm doing now, writing semi-seriously about some minor issues on a train in a developing country.

A brief adventure in Kanchanburi

A welcome break from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok

Getting out of the major cities and certain tourist areas (Samui, Pattaya, etc.) allows you to rediscover the Thai capacity for extraordinary kindness and generosity

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