Road tripping in Thailand

A trip to the beautiful north

I decided we had to go to Nan. The only area north of Bangkok that I've really been to is Chiang Mai (and only for a few days), so I figured it was high time I experienced what the rest of Northern Thailand is all about.

A brief adventure in Kanchanburi

A welcome break from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok

Getting out of the major cities and certain tourist areas (Samui, Pattaya, etc.) allows you to rediscover the Thai capacity for extraordinary kindness and generosity

In love with Li Pe

It's difficult to avoid the cliches when describing such a gorgeous island

In terms of beauty, Koh Li Pe outstrips the other islands we have visited. The turquoise seas are breathtaking and sublime for swimming and snorkelling. My standout memory will be the purple-magenta skies as Li Pe descended into darkness

Paradise party island

Travelling to Phi Phi Island

A friend of mine visited a few weeks back, so once my summer school ended, we decided to hoof it down to Phuket to spend a week or so. We decided to visit Koh Phi Phi first, and if I'm honest, we never made it anywhere else.

A stroll around Chiang Mai's Eastern District

A fun-filled glimpse into the past on every street corner

I was sitting in a small garden coffee shop just behind my school sipping a cooling iced-coffee yesterday afternoon, when I started to think about the area surrounding me. Its history is the history of foreigners in Chiang Mai, as this area is where the first foreigners settled, lived and worked in the late nineteenth century.

A day in Ayutthaya

Temple-spotting is a fine way to spend a Buddhist holiday

Apparently, Monday was (loosely translated) Buddha Day. It is therefore fitting that I should visit temples for the day, and thanks to an invitation from a lovely fellow teacher at school, that's exactly what I did! Ayutthaya is a mere hour and some change train ride from Bangkok.

The beauty of South Thailand

A few days in Satun Province

I'm currently sitting in the Hat Yai airport waiting for my return flight back to Bangkok after five days in one of the most beautiful areas I've ever visited. This area of Thailand certainly isn't for everyone, but I must say... I had a wonderful time.

The battle of Nong Sarai

Following the life stories of a revered Thai king

King Naresuan is one of the most revered monarchs of Thai history. His victories over the Burmese during the years around the end of the 16th Century prevented Burma from consolidating their earlier military victories and hence extending further their empire to encompass large swathes of Siam.

The queen of fruits and her vanishing land

How much do we know about this fruit that people either love or hate?

Although Pak Kret is noted mainly for its pots, it once had acres of sumptuous durian plantations and was known as the Land of the Queen of Fruits. My American friend who has lived in Thailand for more than 30 years and also my Thai friends who have spent all their lives in Pak Kret, all call it ‘The Land of the Durian'

Treading the boards

Theatre is alive and well in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai has become a sort of bohemian centre for new age people and its expatriate community is actively involved in music, yoga, dance, alternative medicine and amateur theatre. There is today an eclectic mix of activities for an eclectic community.

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