A teacher's regrets

Now that I have resigned from my job and quit teaching, I look back on my regrets.

I wish I had created more opportunities for my students to develop their confidence in speaking English outside the comfort of our classroom. I was taken aback when one of the mothers expressed frustration over her child's English-speaking ability. Why did her child respond to me as if English wasn't a problem but replied to her mom with just a simple word? My students weren't afraid to ask questions, share ideas, and answer questions in the classroom, but this wasn't the case outside of it. The reasons could be overlooked learning goals, lack of confidence, uncertainty, and other factors. I wish I could have done better.

I wish I had been more organized in planning and implementing practical learning activities, made more time for students who needed extra help, and explored art, music, and other areas. I was advised to teach through exploration, yet I was still expected to produce worksheets and completed workbooks. Were there more effective ways to plan?

I wish I had challenged the notion against play. I am a strong advocate of play among children, as it facilitates significant learning. Play helps children resolve issues, provides comfort, and fosters a love for learning. My students' playtime was cut short because I was told, "Children miss out if they play; they should practice writing." I wish I had argued my case better.


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