

I've noticed a prevailing difference in attitudes toward fallang depending on where you're at (in respects to both location and social standing). But one theme that often surfaces in Thai media is their subtle attacks upon anything fallang. Positive comments are made 'tongue in cheek' at best. I am fairly fluent in Thai and often watch Big Cinema movies budded in Thai by Thai translators and am both amazed and perplexed at their deliberate attempt to cast a dark shadow upon Western culture. The translation is occasionally slighted to make us look bad. Last year some fallang pop stars came to Thailand and there was a live interview and the pop stars were cordial in saying that they liked Thai culture and food, but the Thai interpreter added that they really like Thai girls. The pop stars never said that.

Recently there was a talk show on Thai TV about why Thai woman marry fallang. The audience were university students and they had this 'so-called' expert on Thai-fallang relations on the panel making outlandish comments about the dangers of marrying a fallang. He said some fallang force their wives into prostitution to get money. The girls in the audience were horrified. The panel concluded that Thai woman marry fallang so they can take care of their family. Little emphasis was made on the fact that some couples seek to have a real, loving and meaningful relationship.

In short, Thais are jealous of fallang and so they try to cut us down with negative comments and media in general

Ajaran Fallang

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