A philosophical dilemma
Should getting a job be given precedence over pursuit of social justice?
I guess the more conservative the society in general, the more left-wingers there are that originate from it that are not in fact left-wingers at all, but who are in fact right-wingers masequerading as left-wingers to make themselves look good.
Bananas and condoms
How some EFL teachers are attempting to proselytize the flock
Every now and then we come across ethnocentric people who believe that their culture and society are vastly superior to anything the "socially depraved" West has ever produced. There are two sides to this debate. This is the other side.
Trees or the lack thereof
Global warming - something horrible is probably going to happen
You don't need to be a genius to see that if we continue the way we are, then the global warming crisis is going to turn out into something we could never have contemplated. Allow me to stand and look around for a moment.
No fries with that!
Teachers as mentors and heroes (part two)
As we ESL teachers and TESOL providers--- especially those teaching in financially impoverished countries--- strive to help others to financially improve their "lot in life", are we not, at the same time, helping to turn them into the same capitalist and consumerist pigs that have now permeated Japan, South Korea, and other developed countries?
ESL teachers as mentors and heroes
ESL teachers as linguistic imperialists and neo-colonialists
ESL teachers should be viewed as mentors and heroes, selflessly taking the time to improve the lives of our students. People like Julian Edge and Larry Smith should be ashamed of themselves. They spit in the face of every dedicated ESL teacher.