Be loud and be proud

Postbox letter from David

One reason that Thais should study English is to make their family proud. Your parents and grandparents will be proud of you if you can speak English.

To use Thai or English in Kindergarten?

Postbox letter from Kindy TEFL Teacher

I speak Thai constantly every day because I work at a bilingual kindergarten that leans much more towards Thai than English and I'm the only native English speaker.

Motivating Thai students to use English

Postbox letter from Warisa

The main issue occurring in all places is the inability to utilize the language efficiently in all skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking)

Teaching conversation in Thailand

Some ideas to make conversation classes more successful

Students find the ability to be understood in a foreign language the most gratifying aspect of the pain of learning it. If they don't get an opportunity to speak in the classroom they'll soon get bored.

Who speaks the best English?

Postbox letter from Paul Clifton

I have been coming to Thailand for near on 5 years now and I have noticed that the best speakers of English are those that need to use it for work

Thoughts on the Thais' English-speaking ability

Postbox letter from Methaya Sirichit

OK I have read a variety of opinions on the topic of 'Why can't Thais speak English?' Some are correct but some are outright shallow.

How to talk to foreigners in Thailand

We don't bite. Well, a handful might I suppose.

Put simply, if the foreigner clearly knows what they're doing, can order a round of food with minimal problems and pay the right money when presented with the bill, you don't need to talk down to them.

Getting ready for 2015

What will be the effects of the new ASEAN community on foreign teachers?

English is clearly the key to success and opportunity in the new ASEAN community. It is not only the official language; it is also the ‘world' language which is used across the globe for nearly all international dialogue and trade. English will be used at all levels of Thai society from 2015.

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  • Earl

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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Need Thailand insurance?

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Teacher mistakes

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Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

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Will I find work in Thailand?

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The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to survive in Thailand? We analyze the facts.

The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

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