In defence of the edutainers

A young teacher's perspective on teaching in Thailand

Most of the English teachers in Thailand seem to be slightly older so it’s understandable that they would view energy, positive reinforcement and affability in the EFL classroom with disdain and denial.

Language through Art (part two)

Strategies for teaching English using art

For a change, try art, music, and sports, as lessons to teach English. Wonder of wonders, students will welcome it for it will spice up their taste for words and they will love learning English more.

Tips from the trenches

Tips to help a new teacher get through that very first day of class

Worried about that first day of class? The following compilation of articles might offer some insight into how to approach your students for the first time, regardless of their age, numbers and gender.

Individualized instruction

How to 'reward' students who finish work on time

If I have the opportunity to individualize my teaching, I do it. I will call one student to my seat, check his/her work, make the student change his/her answer when it is wrong, and receive extra work or reward.

Death by worksheet

How worksheets can spice up any lesson

My favourite kinds of worksheets are conversation worksheets, pair and group work, creative writing worksheets, vocabulary worksheets, and ESL board games. The right mix of these makes communication possible, keeps students' attention going and puts some fun into learning.

An effective way of learning

Interesting new teaching methods that originated in Israel

Lucky are the schools that use this module for students will surely learn to speak, read, write and listen much better than the usual way of teaching.

Dealing with the troublemakers

Discipline: tips on control in the classroom

Troublemakers. We have all seen them do their thing, causing mayhem and disorder in the classroom; perhaps you were even one yourself at some point during your time as a student. Troublemakers are the bane of every teacher's existence and they make our job go from difficult to pounding headache and hair-tearing proportions.

I don't want to learn!

The biggest teaching hurdle: motivation

Motivation in the classroom, both from the teachers and the students, is essential for learning but it is a tricky balance to strike since the two are so interconnected; if the teacher loses motivation, so do the students and if the students lose motivation, so does the teacher.

Great Expectations

When parents of students are simply too demanding

The demands and expectations that some parents burden their children with are alas often too great. At the moment I’m teaching a kid who hasn’t even turned six, yet his life revolves solely around learning.

Puppet talk

I had a great idea to use puppets in the classroom

At present my English Club members are working on a show that will last for 15 minutes and hope to present this at Christmas or on Children‘s Day. Try puppets in your own classes. It will make your teaching very enriching, so interesting, and really entertaining.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 115 total Page 2 of 12

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The cost of living

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