The first days of the new school year

A new term usually means meeting new students

As you move into a new year with new classes, you may be considering what sort of impression you want to make on the students when you have your first lesson. What exactly should a teacher do in the first few lessons considering that these first impressions are so important?

Tips from the trenches

Tips to help a new teacher get through that very first day of class

Worried about that first day of class? The following compilation of articles might offer some insight into how to approach your students for the first time, regardless of their age, numbers and gender.

Three ways to keep your composure in the classroom

How to get over that first day 'stage-fright'

We've all had the first-day jitters as new teachers working for a school or language facility. We've all fumbled over grammar points or have been unable to answer a student's question on the spot.

Thrown to the wolves

Teaching kindergarten for the very first time

Today's class was my very first 2-hour stint with a group of kindergarteners. I've never been the world's largest fan of little kids, not because I don't like them, but because I have no earthly idea what to do with them. Well, all things considered, I'd say my class went quite well!

Make sure to get that contract

Postbox letter from sheryl

One teacher's terrible experiences from taking a job offer with no contract

First day on the job

A simple activity for your first day with a new class

If you’re new to the job, and haven’t figured this one out yet, you can start off classes with a new group in confident style every time – the first thing you can do is make a name card.

Creating classroom culture

Cultivating universal values and striving for excellence

There are some good teachers out there to get you through these first rough few months of uncertainty. From those who say, "Lay down the law the first week of class. You're not their friend, you're their teacher", to those who offer good introductory first day lessons, there is a lot of good advice out there if one knows where to look.

Teacher is beautiful

How to start a term in the worst possible way

Hugging my teaching materials I practiced my opening sentence ‘Hi” yep that was ok, simple and easy to say. I slowly looked around the corner and into the classroom at the children. It amazed me that just the profiles alone of 45 five year old children was providing the beat for my stomach ‘nervous acid’ dance.

Before you teach

What every teacher should do and know before opening day

The first thing every teacher should do before starting a new job is to inspect; inspect beyond the usual school tour that is part of most interviews. Ask to be taken to the classrooms you will use. Look at where you will teach. What do you have? Are there whiteboards or chalkboards? Do you have any type of technology to aid you in teaching? Is there air conditioning?

Back to school

Shoes are polished and uniforms are in pristine condition

It's the first day back after the summer holidays, uniforms are donned and the ritual countdown to the first class of the new school year begins . . . begin

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The dreaded demo

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