Communicating with new music artists
Why not start a conversation with an artist today? It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
Emerging artists, especially those with smaller listener bases, are in dire need of your support. They need people to listen to their music and to engage with it actively. Comments and replies not only boost their visibility but also help foster a community around their work.
Too much technology
What are the actual benefits of using technology in the classroom - and what could be done better without it?
Whilst technology is needed for a lot of my lessons I try to have periods of the class where it’s not used. If I’m not careful I can turn into a lecturer using screens, rather than a teacher using different teaching methods.
An uncertain future?
Five ideas to reform the Thai education system
I've been teaching in different schools and businesses around Thailand for a long time and in my view, there are five important areas that need to be addressed immediately, to secure (or at least improve) the standing of Thai education for the next generation.
Using a touch screen in class
Maintaining student interest with technology
I felt so overwhelmed by the results of using the touch screen computer for this was my first time in 9 years to use the most updated technology in my English classes. In fact, during my last observation, my inspector rated me excellent in my teaching.
An innovative teacher
Using technology to create interest in language learning
I have been very impressed by one particular Filipino teacher who uses modern technology in his classrooms and is always looking for ways to keep students learning and improve their performance.