Any advice for teaching young learners?
Postbox letter from Sandra
I am facing difficulty with my 4-year old students who can't seem to hit that light bulb moment from what a letter sounds like and comprehending the meaning of the word.
Music and language acquisition
How music benefits the language learner
Learning language through music helps students' verbatim memory, improves pronunciation, speaks better, and promotes positive atmosphere in learning.
Perceptive young learners
Postbox letter from Carl Slaughter
Here's a story about some very young but very sharp Thai and Chinese students.
Sit fetch and roll over
Basic Thai commands for teaching children
Let me get a few things straight first. First of all, it doesn’t really matter if the kids understand everything you say. Even if they do, they still won’t listen to you. Second, even if you know the commands in Thai, you’ll probably get the tones wrong and no one will understand you.
Heaven and Hell
Tips for teaching kids
Don’t think teaching kids is easy, it’s not. Tie everything down that’s yours. Keep it in your pocket, your bag, briefcase, socks, travel pouch, wherever. Learn to enjoy singing.