Of teachers and emperors without clothes

An ironic view of a job ad

Employment agencies in are in dire need of actors for live performances on stage. Body piercing, visible tattoos, drinking or smoking in public, or any kind of physical handicap, even if slight, will qualify the applicant.

Spice up your teacher threads

Alternatives to the shirt and tie combo

What can a teacher do if they are fed up with the standard 'teacher's uniform' of business shirt, necktie and trousers? Ajarn's man of style, Sebastian Hawkes, comes to the rescue with some carefully thought out suggestions. Mimi Rodgers offers her valuable opinions from a woman's perspective.

Phil's Memory Lane

Now you see it, now you don't.

A light-hearted look at some of the things Bangkokians once took for granted but are now nothing more than a distant memory. Your contributions welcome.

How's the 'decorate' and the 'supervise'?

The joys of filling in customer feedback forms

Should that be ‘supervision’ or ‘supervisor’? Was I supposed to rate the actual restaurant supervisor? Was I evaluating those that do the supervising as opposed to those who are supervised? Forget it. It doesn’t matter. It makes no sense whatsoever

Yet another list of Bangkok annoyances

We all love a good moan now and again don't we?

Here’s a list of my own things that drive me crazy about living in Bangkok. Hopefully some of them you’ve never even thought about.

From the planet Xerox

All hail to the mighty photocopier

Just as bad as the schools who dabble in the lower end of the photocopier market are the institutes who insist on keeping the same machine year after year - even when the repairmen are drawing lots and praying they're not the ones to get your call-out.

There's someone in the house!

When things go bump in the night.

I thought I would share the story of a recent break in, at my house, in an effort to show the fine police work that our boys in brown are doing and to let you know that hope in the criminal justice system of Thailand is alive and well

Those crazy interviewees

A tongue-in-cheek look at some rather eccentric teachers

I’ve always been wary of religious types. Let me be the last man to begrudge anyone the right to have a faith but there’s a time and a place. Sunday morning in church springs instantly to mind. But if I ever saw the name ‘Jesus’ written on a lesson plan I would subconsciously file the teacher under ‘one to keep an eye on’.

How employable are you?

Take our fun quiz

Find out if you're the kind of teacher who any school would be proud to have as part of their team.......or perhaps why no one ever sends you a reply to your e-mail application?

The anatomy of a teachers room

What goes on in that cramped, airless little room?

For all those who have ever taught in Asia - laugh along at 'the anatomy of a teacher's room' from the water-kettle that's never full to the pot-plant that always needs watering.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 54 total Page 4 of 6

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Fun Native English Teachers

฿44,000+ / month


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฿75,000+ / month

Pathum Thani

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฿42,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


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฿22,000+ / month

Chiang Rai

Featured Teachers

  • Rachel

    Irish, 34 years old. Currently living in Ireland

  • April

    Filipino, 23 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Hanna

    Filipino, 27 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Mark

    Irish, 57 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Shard

    Indian, 40 years old. Currently living in India

  • Amani

    American, 32 years old. Currently living in USA

The Hot Spot

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Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to live in Thailand? We survey various teachers earning different salaries and with different lifestyles.

The region guides

The region guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

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