Why teacher observations shouldn't be feared
Don't dread observations, embrace them!
The mere thought of a supervisor sitting at the back of the classroom, clipboard in hand, can send shivers down any teacher’s spine. But take a step back and consider what observations are all about.
Bye, bye Thailand
When poor evaluation strategy and lack of communication mean one thing - the exit door
I have taught at five schools in Thailand and only ONE has let me finish the semester and given me a recommendation letter. I've had enough of this place to be honest.
What you can learn working with colleagues from different countries
Everyone has something to offer you
Overall, I really enjoy having a true international environment at work. The chance to work and meet people from so many countries has improved me as a teacher and allowed me to learn a lot about other cultures.
A lack of professionalism
Postbox letter from Tommy
I recently went for a job interview and was shocked by the lack of professionalism shown by a school with a good reputation. I was applying for a math teacher position and I have had experience teaching maths to Mattayom 1 and 2
Do students in private language schools have the right to choose who teaches them?
Should the most popular teacher get the largest share of the work?
The student was not happy with this arrangement and asked the manager why I could not teach her. The manager replied, 'You learn with who I choose, not who you want. And I have chosen the other teacher.'
Observation blues
How do you feel about teaching observations?
Many teachers fear observations, especially when they are unannounced. On the other hand, announced observations are easy to handle because the teacher can prepare a little bit more.
Of teachers and emperors without clothes
An ironic view of a job ad
Employment agencies in are in dire need of actors for live performances on stage. Body piercing, visible tattoos, drinking or smoking in public, or any kind of physical handicap, even if slight, will qualify the applicant.
Encouraging observations
TEN welcomed Alan S Mackenzie as its February guest speaker
Set up to create an environment in which educators can discuss personal concerns and to establish a positive forum for teaching opportunities in Thailand. We meet every month at the Roadhouse Barbecue.
Welcome to the Thailand Educators Network (TEN)
What's coming up in our teachers' evenings this year?
Set up to create an environment in which educators can meet to discuss and explore professional and personal concerns and to establish a positive forum for the enhancement of teaching and teaching opportunities in Thailand, we meet every month, on or close to the 10th at the Roadhouse Barbecue.
Those crazy interviewees
A tongue-in-cheek look at some rather eccentric teachers
I’ve always been wary of religious types. Let me be the last man to begrudge anyone the right to have a faith but there’s a time and a place. Sunday morning in church springs instantly to mind. But if I ever saw the name ‘Jesus’ written on a lesson plan I would subconsciously file the teacher under ‘one to keep an eye on’.