Why teacher observations shouldn't be feared
Don't dread observations, embrace them!
The mere thought of a supervisor sitting at the back of the classroom, clipboard in hand, can send shivers down any teacher’s spine. But take a step back and consider what observations are all about.
I don't worry about complaints
Postbox letter from Mike
As long as the majority of the parents and students in my class are happy, I don't worry about complaints. There will always be parents or students who have something to complain about.
Teacher mistakes
Avoid falling into any of these teacher traps
Ajarn has put together a list of the most common mistakes that teachers make in Thailand - both new arrivals and those who have been here a while.
Classroom observations: what can be seen?
The difficult role of the observing teacher
Observed lessons are never representative of a teacher's practice. The teacher and students are unnerved by my presence, and things feel stilted. Even when the lesson does go well, I know I'm seeing only part of the whole.
Failures in sarcasm
When a lesson plan can all go horribly wrong
Even when I try to tone down my sarcasm, those rascally comments still slip from my lips! I know that my students are vaguely aware of sarcasm but they don't quite understand it and they certainly would never use it on their own.
The dog and pony show
Demonstration lessons in the Korean public education system
I like the principle of putting on a demonstration lesson and having teachers watch. In my time teaching, one thing I have been short of is the opportunity to see other teachers teach. And you can always learn from other teachers.